02335pam 2200541 a 450 991034513670332120230828210838.0(CKB)1000000000772661(MH)007809082-2(SSID)ssj0000448212(PQKBManifestationID)12147870(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000448212(PQKBWorkID)10385185(PQKB)11128176(EXLCZ)99100000000077266119950807d1998 uy 0engtxtccrAll of the people, all of the time American government at the end of the century /Carl Cavanagh Hodge[electronic resource]New York Peter Langc19981 online resource (xvi, 345 p. )maps ;Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-8204-3019-6 Includes bibliographical references (p. [311]-330) and index.pt. I.Democratic America.Ch. 1.The Spirit of American Republicanism.Ch. 2.The Great Republic under Party Democracy.Ch. 3.New Deals at Home and Abroad --pt. II.Superpower America.Ch. 4.The Permanent Crisis.Ch. 5.One War, Two Presidents.Ch. 6.All of the People, All of the Time.Maps of Electoral College Votes.DemocracyUnited StatesDemocracyUnited StatesGovernment - U.SHILCCPolitical Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., GeneralHILCCLaw, Politics & GovernmentHILCCUnited StatesPolitics and governmentDemocracyDemocracyGovernment - U.S.Political Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., GeneralLaw, Politics & Government973Hodge Carl Cavanagh542211DLCDLCDLCBOOK9910345136703321All of the people, all of the time2123715UNINAThis Record contains information from the Harvard Library Bibliographic Dataset, which is provided by the Harvard Library under its Bibliographic Dataset Use Terms and includes data made available by, among others the Library of Congress