03361oam 22005294a 450 991034513300332120230828211129.0(CKB)1000000000772716(MH)011901939-6(SSID)ssj0000448253(PQKBManifestationID)12120478(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000448253(PQKBWorkID)10384963(PQKB)10274527(EXLCZ)99100000000077271620051013d2006 uy 0engtxtccrHomo sapiens europæus creating the European learning citizen /Michael Kuhn, Ronald G. Sultana, editors[electronic resource]New York Peter Langc20061 online resource (viii, 298 p. )ill. ;Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-8204-7600-5 Includes bibliographical references.Creating the European learning citizen : which citizen for which Europe? / Michael Kuhn & Ronald G. Sultana -- The case of the UK : homo sapiens Europæus vs homo quæstuosus atlanticus? European learning citizen or Anglo-American human capitalist? / Roger Dale and Susan Robertson -- Danish learning traditions in the context of the European Union / Palle Rasmussen -- Governance and the learning citizen : tensions and possibilities in the shift from national to post-national identities / John Field and Mark Murphy -- Knowledge in the bazaar : pro-active citizenship in the learning society / António M. Magalhães and Stephen R. Stoer -- The modification of learning through cultural traditions and societal structures / Gabriele Laske -- National and European policies for lifelong learning : an assessment of developments within the context of the European employment strategy / Mark Stuart and Ian Greenwood -- The main actors in the National Action Plans on employment : Who can drive the education and training dimension of the NAPS? / Ewart Keep -- Lifelong learning for civic employees and employable citizens? -- Odd Bjørn Ure -- Making citizens: from belonging to learning / Terri Seddon and Suzanne Mellor -- Models of lifelong leaning and the knowledge economy/society in Europe : what regional patterns are emerging? / Andy Green -- Manufacturing the "European" in education and training / Anja Heikkinen -- The European dimension in teacher training in France : squaring the circle? / Dominique Ulma.Education and stateEuropean Union countriesEducational sociologyEuropean Union countriesComparative educationEducation and stateEducational sociologyComparative education.379.4Kuhn Michael870148Kuhn Michael1947-870148Sultana Ronald G596487DLCDLCYDXBAKERDLCBOOK9910345133003321Homo sapiens europæus1942637UNINAThis Record contains information from the Harvard Library Bibliographic Dataset, which is provided by the Harvard Library under its Bibliographic Dataset Use Terms and includes data made available by, among others the Library of Congress