04702nam 2200697 a 450 991034512190332120230721031951.066117336201-281-73362-897866117336291-60750-269-0600-00-0566-01-4356-2518-8(CKB)1000000000482522(EBL)329925(OCoLC)437198348(SSID)ssj0000252376(PQKBManifestationID)11200304(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000252376(PQKBWorkID)10179652(PQKB)11724028(MiAaPQ)EBC329925(Au-PeEL)EBL329925(CaPaEBR)ebr10216831(EXLCZ)99100000000048252220070712d2007 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrStrengthening religious tolerance for a secure civil society in Albania and the Southern Balkans[electronic resource] /edited by James Pettifer and Mentor NazarkoAmsterdam ;Washington, DC IOS Pressc20071 online resource (156 p.)NATO science for peace and security series. E. Human and societal dynamics,1874-6276 ;v. 27Description based upon print version of record.1-58603-779-X Includes bibliographical references.Title page; Preface; Introduction; Message from Senator Giulio Andreotti, 70th, 61st and 58th Prime Minister of Italy; Contributors to the Workshop; Contents; Opening Remark; Welcoming Speech; Part One. General Considerations on Albanian Religion and Its History; Albanian Religion Through Judicial Documents; Religious Divergences in Albania and Balkan Security; ""Clash of Civilization'' - A Paradox or a Reality!? - The Positive Albanian Model; The Development of Religion in Post-Communist Albania; Religious Cohabitation in Albania: Constructing a Model or Constructing RealityReligions and Religious Tolerance State-Religion Relations in Transition Albania; Towards a Sustainable Peaceful Coexistence in the Balkans; The Challenge of Proselytism for Religious Coexistence; Truth and Diversity Beyond the Common Ground; Part Two. Local Studies; The Historical Background to the Muslim Community in Albania During the Period 1912-1920; Islam and the Albanian Periphery Lands; Islam and State Religion in Greece: From the Formation of the 'Greek-Orthodox Genos' to the Era of Migration; Intra-Group Differences and the Status of Religious and Ethnic MinoritiesThe Legacy of the Albanian Evangelicals and Its Continuation Post - 1990 Religious Suspension of the Divine; The Inadvertent Effects of Democratisation on Religious Extremist Groups; The Jews of Albania During the Zogist Period and the Second World War; Between East and West: The Basilian Monks of Grottaferrata in Albania; Religious Tolerance in Montenegro as a Guarantee of Stability and Security of the Country; Interfaith Relations in Serbia; The Bektashi Heritage in Albania; Part Three. Parallels Beyond the Balkans; Finding the Common Ground Between the Three Major ReligionsLove Your Neighbors as Yourself, Love Your Neighbors Like Yourself A Project for Peace; Part Four. Conclusions; General Conclusions from NATO Advanced Research Workshop; Inter-Religious Dialogue; Author IndexIt has long been a common place of Balkan Studies and historical writing about the Balkans to state that religion is often a major factor in conflicts. This publication illuminates the background to this complex religious culture in Albania and also touches upon subjects of importance in relevant neighboring nations (Greece and Montenegro).NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: Human and Societal Dynamics, v. 27Religious toleranceAlbaniaCongressesCivil societyAlbaniaCongressesAlbaniaReligionCongressesAlbaniaEthnic relationsCongressesReligious toleranceCivil society949.6504Pettifer James140014Nazarko Mentor966101NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Strengthening and Promoting Religious Co-existence and Tolerance for a More Secure Civil Society in the Balkans and beyondMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910345121903321Strengthening religious tolerance for a secure civil society in Albania and the Southern Balkans2192433UNINA