04213 am 2200757 n 450 9910342257403321201906072-7535-6703-410.4000/books.pur.105420(CKB)4100000009456570(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-105420(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/58339(PPN)267959869(EXLCZ)99410000000945657020191008j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLes ressources des faibles Neutralités, sauvegardes, accommodements en temps de guerre (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) /Jean-François Chanet, Christian WindlerRennes Presses universitaires de Rennes20191 online resource (458 p.) 2-7535-0956-5 En tant que conception politique déterminant l’ensemble des relations extérieures d’un État, la neutralité est un phénomène récent. Ce n’est qu’à partir de la garantie de la « neutralité perpétuelle » par le Congrès de Vienne que la Confédération helvétique peut affirmer une véritable vocation à la neutralité. Mais cette dernière a pris corps auparavant, à partir des menaces que représentèrent les guerres européennes du XVIIe siècle pour la cohésion des ligues suisses. Par ailleurs, du XVe au XVIIIe siècle, un peu partout en Europe, des acteurs très différents tentent de limiter l’impact des guerres par de multiples pratiques de neutralisation. Dans les monarchies, ces pratiques témoignent de l’utilisation par des acteurs subalternes de marges de manœuvre entre leur propre prince et les puissances qui les menacent. Par rapport à une histoire de « la » neutralité au singulier, l’ample horizon géographique et chronologique dans lequel sont étudiées ces neutralités, au pluriel, constitue l’originalité du présent volume. Les pratiques de neutralisation, de sauvegarde et d’accommodement en temps de guerre de l’époque moderne sont étudiées dans une perspective européenne, abordant, outre le Corps helvétique, le Saint Empire, les monarchies française et espagnole, ainsi que les espaces maritimes atlantique et méditerranéen. Elles invitent à varier les approches et les points de vue sur plusieurs histoires croisées : histoire de la diplomatie et de la guerre, du pouvoir et de ses limites, histoire aussi des moyens dont disposent les populations pour préserver leurs intérêts jusque sous le régime de l’occupation militaire.ressources des faibles Historyhistoire militaireneutralitédiplomatierelations internationalesdiplomatierelations internationalesneutralitéhistoire militaireHistoryhistoire militaireneutralitédiplomatierelations internationalesBrunet Serge1293576Carl Horst1304864Chanet Jean-François1295818Dafflon Alexandre1304865Denys Catherine1296233Gantelet Martial1304866Gotthard Axel1290413Holenstein André407736Ibáñez José Javier Ruiz1294004Kaiser Michael1304867Kaiser Wolfgang46538Kleinehagenbrock Frank1304868Lau Thomas1245625Maissen Thomas1304869Morieux Renaud1288501Picaud-Monnerat Sandrine1292686Poujade Patrice1282137Tingle Elizabeth1304870Windler Christian1071143Chanet Jean-François1295818Windler Christian1071143FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910342257403321Les ressources des faibles3027760UNINA07615nam 2201705 450 991082495640332120231221104320.01-4008-4817-210.1515/9781400848171(CKB)2550000001139916(EBL)1361945(OCoLC)867926037(SSID)ssj0001048164(PQKBManifestationID)12433560(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001048164(PQKBWorkID)10997236(PQKB)11314865(StDuBDS)EDZ0000159528(OCoLC)919338545(MdBmJHUP)muse43358(DE-B1597)453937(OCoLC)979579323(DE-B1597)9781400848171(Au-PeEL)EBL1361945(CaPaEBR)ebr10791949(CaONFJC)MIL539430(MiAaPQ)EBC1361945(EXLCZ)99255000000113991620130524d2013 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrLobbying America the politics of business from Nixon to NAFTA /Benjamin C. WaterhouseCourse BookPrinceton, New Jersey :Princeton University Press,2013.1 online resource (365 p.)Politics and Society in Modern America ;99Politics and society in twentieth-century AmericaDescription based upon print version of record.0-691-14916-X 1-306-08179-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Acknowledgments --Introduction: American Business, American Politics --Chapter 1. From Consensus to a Crisis of Confidence --Chapter 2. A New Life for Old Lobbies --Chapter 3. The Birth of the Business Roundtable --Chapter 4. Business, Labor, and the Politics of Inflation --Chapter 5. The Producer versus the Consumer --Chapter 6. Uncertain Victory --Chapter 7. A Tale of Two Tax Cuts --Chapter 8. Every Man His Own Lobbyist --Epilogue: American Politics, American Business --Abbreviations --Notes --Bibliography --Index --BackmatterLobbying America tells the story of the political mobilization of American business in the 1970's and 1980's. Benjamin Waterhouse traces the rise and ultimate fragmentation of a broad-based effort to unify the business community and promote a fiscally conservative, antiregulatory, and market-oriented policy agenda to Congress and the country at large. Arguing that business's political involvement was historically distinctive during this period, Waterhouse illustrates the changing power and goals of America's top corporate leaders. Examining the rise of the Business Roundtable and the revitalization of older business associations such as the National Association of Manufacturers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Waterhouse takes readers inside the mind-set of the powerful CEO's who responded to the crises of inflation, recession, and declining industrial productivity by organizing an effective and disciplined lobbying force. By the mid-1970s, that coalition transformed the economic power of the capitalist class into a broad-reaching political movement with real policy consequences. Ironically, the cohesion that characterized organized business failed to survive the ascent of conservative politics during the 1980's, and many of the coalition's top goals on regulatory and fiscal policies remained unfulfilled. The industrial CEOs who fancied themselves the "voice of business" found themselves one voice among many vying for influence in an increasingly turbulent and unsettled economic landscape. Complicating assumptions that wealthy business leaders naturally get their way in Washington, Lobbying America shows how economic and political powers interact in the American democratic system.Politics and Society in Twentieth-Century AmericaBusiness and politicsUnited StatesHistory20th centuryCorporationsPolitical activityUnited StatesHistory20th centuryLobbyingUnited StatesHistory20th centuryPolitical action committeesUnited StatesHistory20th centuryPressure groupsUnited StatesHistory20th centuryAmerican big business.American business leaders.American business.American democracy.American political culture.Arch Booth.Business Roundtable.Carter administration.Chrysler bailout.Cold War.Consumer Protection Agency.Democrats.John Connally.National Association of Manufacturers.New Deal.Progressive period.Ralph Nader.Reagan administration.Republicans.U.S. Chamber of Commerce.U.S. Congress.antistatists.business community.business leaders.business lobbying.business theorists.business.chief executive officers.class-oriented battles.conservative activists.consumer perspective.consumer protection.consumerism.corporate lobbying.crisis of confidence.economic actors.economic crisis.economic power.employment equality.federal budget.finance.free market.global capitalism.global outsourcing.high finance.industrial economy.industrial lobbyists.industrial manufacturing.industrialists.inflation.legal construct.liberal consensus.liberalism.lobbying firms.lobbying operation.modern corporation.neoliberal doctrine.neoliberal political culture.neoliberalism.organized labor.pan-business lobbying.party politics.policymaking.political mobilization.political power.politics.power structure.price instability.productivity growth.progressive politics.public interest liberalism.regulatory apparatus.small-government conservatives.stagflation.tax cuts.taxation.unionization.wage-price controls.workplace regulations.Business and politicsHistoryCorporationsPolitical activityHistoryLobbyingHistoryPolitical action committeesHistoryPressure groupsHistory324/.4097309045Waterhouse Benjamin C.1978-1658280MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910824956403321Lobbying America4012186UNINA