03923 am 2200781 n 450 9910340853103321201809282-7099-2198-710.4000/books.irdeditions.26145(CKB)4100000007145922(FrMaCLE)OB-irdeditions-26145(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/49035(PPN)267949987(EXLCZ)99410000000714592220181119j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierHà Nội, a Metropolis in the Making The Breakdown in Urban Integration of Villages /Sylvie FanchetteMarseille IRD Éditions20181 online resource (194 p.) 2-7099-2197-9 Built on 'the bend in the Red River', Hà Nội is among Southeast Asia's most ancient capitals. Over the centuries, it took shape in part from a dense substratum of villages. With the economic liberalisation of the 1980s, it encountered several obstacles to its expansion: absence of a real land market, high population densities, the government's food self-suffciency policy that limits expropriations of land and the water management constraints of this very vulnerable delta. Since the beginning of the new millennium, the change in speed brought about by the state and by property developers in the construction and urban planning of the province-capital poses the problem of integration of in situ urbanised villages, the importance of preserving a green belt around Hà Nội and the necessity of protection from flooding. The harmonious fusion of city and countryside, which has always constituted the Red River Delta's defining feature, appears to be in jeopardy. Working from a rich body of maps and field studies, this collective work reveals how this grass-roots urbanisation encounters 'top-down' urbanisation, or metropolisation. By combining a variety of disciplinary approaches on several different scales, through a study of spatial issues and social dynamics, this atlas not only enables the reader to gauge the impact of major projects on the lives of villages integrated into the city's fabric but also to re-establish the peri-urban village stratum as a fully-fledged actor in the diversity of this emerging metropolis.Hà Nội, a metropolis in the making GeographyHanoïpériurbanisationutilisation du solvie urbaineVietnamHanoïVietnamvie urbainepériurbanisationutilisation du solGeographyHanoïpériurbanisationutilisation du solvie urbaineVietnamBoudreau J.-A1300481Brouillac Ph1300482Cerise E1300483De Koninck Rodolphe1300484Duchère Y1300485Fanchette S1300486Labbé D1300487Mounier C1300488Moustier P1300489Musil C1300490Nhật Kiên Trần1300491Orfeuvre R1300492Pandolfi L42386Segard J1300493Thế Anh Ðào1300494Thị Tân Lộc Nguyễn1300495Văn Hùng1300496Văn Sửu Nguyễn1300497Xuân Hoản Nguyễn1300498Fanchette Sylvie662073FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910340853103321Hà Nội, a Metropolis in the Making3025547UNINA