02468oam 2200493 450 991033768100332120210111144421.03-030-15748-210.1007/978-3-030-15748-7(OCoLC)1091029011(MiFhGG)GVRL59NF(EXLCZ)99493000000004201120190227h20192019 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEconomics of art and culture /Bruno S. Frey1st ed. 2019.New York, New York :Springer Berlin Heidelberg,[2019]�20191 online resource (xi, 134 pages) illustrations, chartsSpringerBriefs in Economics,2191-55123-030-15747-4 Includes bibliographical references.What is the Economics of Art and Culture? -- The Social Value of Art -- Art Markets and Auctions -- The Artists' Labour Market -- Reproductions in Art -- Creative Cultural Economy -- The Performing Arts -- Festivals -- Films -- Museums -- Superstar Museums and Special Exhibitions -- Cultural Heritage -- UNESCO World Heritage List -- Cultural Tourism -- Public Support of the Arts -- Does Art Make Us Happy?This book studies the relationship between the arts and the economy. By applying economic thinking to arts and culture, it analyses markets for art and cultural goods, highlights specific facets of art auctions and discusses determinants of the economic success of artists. The author also sheds new light on various cultural areas, such as the performing and visual arts, festivals, films, museums and cultural heritage. Lastly, the book discusses cultural policies, the role of the state in financing culture, and the relationship between the arts and happiness. .SpringerBriefs in economics.ArtEconomic asepctsCultureEconomic aspectsArtsEconomic aspectsArtEconomic asepcts.CultureEconomic aspects.ArtsEconomic aspects.338.477JEL.E4.5Frey Bruno Sauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut121764MiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910337681003321Economics of Art and Culture2289747UNINA