04965 am 2201213 n 450 991033205890332120190521979-1-03-510223-410.4000/books.psorbonne.23460(CKB)4100000008789125(FrMaCLE)OB-psorbonne-23460(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/62139(PPN)267969066(EXLCZ)99410000000878912520190729j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLe village médiéval et son environnement Études offertes à Jean-Marie PESEZ /Laurent Feller, Perrine Mane, Françoise PiponnierParis Éditions de la Sorbonne20191 online resource (682 p.) 2-85944-337-1 Depuis les années 1960, la contribution de J.-M. Pesez a été déterminante dans la définition des méthodes et des buts de l'archéologie médiévale en France. Initiateur des grandes enquêtes lancées autour de la question des désertions des habitats ruraux dans le courant du Moyen Age, il est une autorité en ce qui concerne le village et la civilisation matérielle médiévale. Il a présidé durant de nombreuses années le Conseil Supérieur de l'Archéologie. Au moment de son départ à la retraite, ses élèves et ses amis ont souhaité constituer un recueil thématique d'articles, et le lui offrir en hommage. Le volume est divisé en trois sections, qui correspondent aux trois axes des travaux et de renseignement de Jean-Marie Pesez : la maison (techniques de construction, distribution de l’espace, fonction de ses éléments), les habitants et les objets (technique de formation et de conservation), le finage (constitution du paysage, utilisation des terroirs) sont tour à tour abordes dans ce recueil qui présente un état de la recherche sur ces questions.village médiéval et son environnement ArchaeologyHistorymaisonmaison ruralehabitathabitationhabitats rurauxvillagetechnique de constructionarchitecturehabitatmaisonhabitationmaison ruralevillagetechnique de constructionhabitats rurauxarchitectureArchaeologyHistorymaisonmaison ruralehabitathabitationhabitats rurauxvillagetechnique de constructionarchitectureA. Settia Aldo1281862Alexandre-Bidon Danièle405752Arcifa Lucia1256670Bailly-Maître Marie-Christine1232678Bazzana André386801Beck Patrice166109Bon Philippe1281863Bresc Henri139639Bresc-Bautier Geneviève416373Burnouf Joëlle1232955Charvàt Petr778498Colardelle Michel173417Comet Georges470190Dalarun Jacques163275Darnas Isabelle1281864De Meulemeester Johnny1281865Esquieu Yves459375Feller Laurent223453Gourdin Philippe607307Guerreau Alain211222Hubert Étienne241556Jaubert Anne Nissen1281866Klapste Jan1103349Lesnes Élisabeth618445Le Goff Jacques1281867Lorcin Marie-Thérèse409960Mane Perrine318845Martin Jean-Marie343860Piponnier Françoise399455Poisson Jean-Michel90249Poklewski-Koziell Tadeusz1281868Querrien Armelle538435Racinet Philippe1281869Remacle Claudine156737Renoux Annie1281870Reveyron Nicolas1227708Roux Simone167621Sigaut François183154Trochet Jean-René411369Verdel Éric173418von Verschuer Charlotte1281871Zadora-Rio Élisabeth157720Feller Laurent223453Mane Perrine318845Piponnier Françoise399455FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910332058903321Le village médiéval et son environnement3018624UNINA05551nam 2201489z- 450 991055770560332120231214133415.0(CKB)5400000000046223(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/68639(EXLCZ)99540000000004622320202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierNatural Products and NeuroprotectionBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (338 p.)3-03936-216-X 3-03936-217-8 Neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, are the most common pathologies of the central nervous system currently without a cure. They share common molecular and cellular characteristics, including protein misfolding, mitochondrial dysfunction, glutamate toxicity, dysregulation of calcium homeostasis, oxidative stress, inflammation, and ageing, which contribute to neuronal death. Efforts to treat these diseases are often limited by their multifactorial etiology. Natural products, thanks to their multitarget activities, are considered promising alternatives for the treatment of neurodegeneration. This book deals with two different forms of natural products: extracts and isolated compounds. The study of the bioactivity of the extracts is extremely important as many studies have demonstrated the synergistic effect of the combination of different natural products. On the other hand, the investigation of the activity of specifically isolated natural products can be also important to understand their cellular and molecular mechanisms and to define the specific bioactive components in extracts or foods. This book can be considered an important contribution to knowledge of the neuroprotective effect of natural products and presents a great deal of information, related to both the benefits but also the limitations of their use in counteracting neurodegeneration.Research & information: generalbicsscBiology, life sciencesbicsscVitamin DMultiple Sclerosissymptomneurodegenerationoxidative injuryParkinson's diseaseterpenes, rotenonethymolAlzheimer's diseaseCentella asiaticahippocampusprotein poshophatase 2glycogen synthase kinase 3B-cell lymphoma 2neuroprotectionnutraceuticalsbioavailabilitystress responseneurodegenerative diseasebioactive compoundnatural extractβ-amyloid peptidetau proteinclinical trialhuman studiesanimal studiesin vitro studiescurcuminfree radicalsheme oxygenasesafety profiletype 2 diabetesinflammationvascular damagelearningmemorynatural compoundoxidative stresscognitive dysfunctioncell deathsynapse lossprotein aggregationneuroinflammationalgaeseaweedsneurodegenerative diseasesauraptenedopamine neuronantioxidantmitochondriaChionanthus retususflavonoidflowerHO-1NOLippia citriodoraVEEVsrelaxationdepressioncyclic AMPcalciumblood-brain barriercatechincognitionepigallocatechin gallategreen teamicrobiota5-(3,5-dihydroxyphenyl)-γ-valerolactoneascaroside pheromoneC. elegansdauerneuronal signalingsexual behaviorsurvival signalsproteostasischaperonesautophagyubiquitin-proteasomeunfolded protein responsenatural compoundsnatural productsethicspatients' autonomybeneficencenonmaleficencemedical liabilityParkinson's disease (PD)mitochondrial dysfunctiondynamicshormesisubiquitin‒proteasome system (UPS)mitophagyResearch & information: generalBiology, life sciencesAngeloni Cristinaedt1299450Vauzour DavidedtAngeloni CristinaothVauzour DavidothBOOK9910557705603321Natural Products and Neuroprotection3025178UNINA03094nam 2200937z- 450 991055757840332120231214133329.0(CKB)5400000000043865(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/76974(EXLCZ)99540000000004386520202201d2021 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierHost Immune Responses and Pathogenesis to Brucella spp. InfectionBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20211 electronic resource (162 p.)3-0365-2418-5 3-0365-2419-3 Brucellosis, caused by the facultative intracellular bacteria Brucella species, is one the most prevalent zoonosis worldwide. • The articles described in this book report several aspects of host-Brucella interactions. • The findings described here will help to advance in the comprehension of bacterial pathogenesis and contribute to the future development of drugs or vaccines to control brucellosis.Research & information: generalbicsscRecombinant vaccinedivalent vaccinebrucellosisOmp25L7/L12Brucella abortus 544ST2 receptorBrucella abortusoral infectionhuman endometrial cellsinternalizationintracellular replicationdecidualizationchemokinesmacrophagesBrucellaHSCMHCIL-10cell cycle(p)ppGpprshneurobrucellosisplateletsbrain microvascular endothelial cellsendothelial cellsadhesinsIg-like domainmonomeric autotransporterstrimeric autotransportersextracellular matrixpolar localizationvirulence factorsvaccine candidatesfibronectincanonical inflammasomenon-canonical inflammasomeNLRpyroptosisASCcaspase-11caspase-1IL-1βgDNAreplication nichereservoirpersistencesurvivalchronic infectionResearch & information: generalOliveira Sergio Costaedt1302758Giambartolomei GuillermoedtOliveira Sergio CostaothGiambartolomei GuillermoothBOOK9910557578403321Host Immune Responses and Pathogenesis to Brucella spp. Infection3026521UNINA03134nam 2200433 450 991073433210332120230726160924.01-009-40237-410.1017/9781009402378(CKB)27558697200041(UkCbUP)CR9781009402378(NjHacI)9927558697200041(EXLCZ)992755869720004120230622e20232007 fy| 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentstirdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierElectroweak theory /E.A. Paschos[electronic resource]1st ed.Cambridge :Cambridge University Press,2023.1 online resource (xiii, 245 pages) illustrations (black and white), digital, PDF file(s)Previously issued in print: 2007.9781009402385 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preface; Part I. The Road to Unification: 1. The electromagnetic current and its properties; 2. The weak currents; 3. The quark model; Part II. Field Theories with Global or Local Symmetries: 4. Yang-Mills theories; 5. Spontaneous breaking of symmetries; 6. Construction of the model; 7. The Higgs mechanism in the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg model; 8. The leptonic sector; 9. Incorporating hadrons; Part III. Experimental Consequences and Comparisons: 10. Deep inelastic scattering; 11. Charged current reactions; 12. Neutral currents in semileptonic reactions; 13. Physics of neutrinos; 14. Heavy quarks; 15. CP violation: K mesons; 16. CP violation: D and B mesons; 17. Higgs particles; Epilogue; Appendix A. Conventions, spinors, and currents; Appendix B. Cross sections and traces; Appendix C. Identities for quark bilinears; Index.The electroweak theory unifies two basic forces of nature: the weak force and electromagnetism. This 2007 book is a concise introduction to the structure of the electroweak theory and its applications. It describes the structure and properties of field theories with global and local symmetries, leading to the construction of the standard model. It describes the particles and processes predicted by the theory, and compares them with experimental results. It also covers neutral currents, the properties of W and Z bosons, the properties of quarks and mesons containing heavy quarks, neutrino oscillations, CP-asymmetries in K, D, and B meson decays, and the search for Higgs particles. Each chapter contains problems, stemming from the long teaching experience of the author, to supplement the text. This will be of great interest to graduate students and researchers in elementary particle physics. This title from 2007 has been reissued as an Open Access publication on Cambridge Core.Electroweak interactionsElectroweak interactions.539.7544Paschos E. A(Emmanuel A.),48247StDuBDSStDuBDSBOOK9910734332103321Electroweak theory2775169UNINA