03796 am 2200805 n 450 9910330710503321201805152-7535-5736-510.4000/books.pur.55995(CKB)4100000008710881(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-55995(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/47608(PPN)267957173(EXLCZ)99410000000871088120190710j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierFigures du maître De l’autorité à l’autonomie /Cristina Noacco, Corinne Bonnet, Patrick Marot, Charalampos OrfanosRennes Presses universitaires de Rennes20181 online resource (357 p.) 2-7535-2200-6 La figure du maître n’a cessé d’évoluer, de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne et la relation entre le maître et l’élève a toujours engagé, de la part de ce dernier, une constante recherche d’équilibre entre dépendance et autonomie, entre respect de l’autorité et émancipation, pour l’affirmation d’un « moi » face à un « Vous » qui le précède et le forme. D’un point de vue institutionnel et historique, nous assistons aujourd’hui à un profond questionnement sur les pouvoirs du maître et sur la légitimité des stratégies magistrales. D’un point de vue éthique, ce même regard critique nous amène à nous questionner sur la différence entre le bon et le mauvais maître, entre la maïeutique et l’assujettissement des consciences. D’un point de vue littéraire et artistique, nous reconnaissons la dette que chaque époque a contractée à l’égard des grandes personnalités qui ont su synthétiser l’esprit de leur temps, le marquer de leur empreinte, voire le dépasser. Le choix du thème de ce volume est le fruit d’un besoin de réflexion à la fois historique, sociale, anthropologique, littéraire et artistique sur le statut et les fonctions de la figure du maître.Literary Theory & CriticismautoritémaîtredisciplepsychanalysediscipleautoritémaîtrepsychanalyseLiterary Theory & CriticismautoritémaîtredisciplepsychanalyseBanniard Michel221628Bessières Vivien1328422Casanova Jean-Yves1283641Casteigt Julie626556Chabrol Henri1328423Correard Nicolas1300132Cotensin Ismène1328424Courtray Régis478347Cusumano Nicola183172Geoffroy Éric692450Girons Baldine Saint1285395Grosperrin Jean-Philippe176869Klinger-Dollé Anne-Hélène1322063Laurichesse Jean-Yves1282889Lobrichon Guy152387Lombardo Giovanni131075Nicolai Roberto190148Passerat Georges1276847Pouzadoux Claude617976Verger Jacques32853Vignes Sylvie591876Waquet Françoise402957Noacco Cristina323778Bonnet Corinne223858Marot Patrick185067Orfanos Charalampos619792FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910330710503321Figures du maître3038557UNINA04874nam 2201141z- 450 991055761160332120231214132935.0(CKB)5400000000045286(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/79596(EXLCZ)99540000000004528620202203d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierRecent Progress in Urbanisation Dynamics ResearchBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (294 p.)3-0365-3023-1 3-0365-3022-3 This book is dedicated to urbanization, which is observed every day, as well as the methods and techniques of monitoring and analyzing this phenomenon. In the 21st century, urbanization has gained momentum, and the awareness of the significance and influence of this phenomenon on our lives make us take a closer look at it not only with curiosity, but also great attention. There are numerous reasons for this, among which the economy is of special significance, but it also has many results, namely, economic, social, and environmental. First of all, it is a spatial phenomenon, as all of the aspects can be placed in space. We would therefore like to draw special attention to the results of urbanization seen on the Earth's surface and in the surrounding space. The urbanization–land relation seems obvious, but is also interesting and multi-layered. The development of science and technology provides a lot of new tools for observing urbanization, as well as the analyses and inference of the phenomenon in space. This book is devoted to in-depth analysis of past, present and future urbanization processes all over the world. We present the latest trends of research that use experience in the widely understood geography of the area. This book is focused on multidisciplinary phenomenon, i.e., urbanization, with the use of the satellite and photogrammetric observation technologies and GIS analyses.Research & information: generalbicsscfootbridgeurbanizationfunctions of pedestrian bridgesTrabzonurban expansionconcentric-ring analysisgrid-based analysisinvers S curveLatin Americatransport accessibilityreal estate marketpopulationconcentrationurban sprawlland useurbanisationleapfrog developmentscattered developmentsustainable spatial-traffic planningmicrosimulation traffic modelingAHPmulti-criteria analysissensitivity analysisstakeholders' preferencespublic participationLandsatCA-Markov modelSDG 11urban sustainable developmentmetropolitan expansionper-capita urban areaper-capita croplandland mismatchItalySlow Citysmall townsspatial structuresustainable developmentold market squarehistorical urban layoutdynamics of urbanisationmethods for mappinginnovation value chainGuangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA)innovation efficiencyurban agglomerationsland managementland-use conflictscomponents of spacespatial analysisGIS toolsGreat Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan City Groupgreen innovationnetwork structureunexpected output SBM modelmegaregionspatiotemporal patternsdriving forcesthe Texas Triangleland-use changemetropolitan gradientspatial econometricsagricultural mechanizationMediterraneanResearch & information: generalCieślak Iwonaedt1303479Biłozor AndrzejedtSalvati LucaedtCieślak IwonaothBiłozor AndrzejothSalvati LucaothBOOK9910557611603321Recent Progress in Urbanisation Dynamics Research3027097UNINA