02062nam0-2200373---450 991031715980332120241204122239.0R.N, L,be t.t, orfo (3) 1830 (R)feiIT-NA0338: M I 5520190429d1830----km-y0itay50------baengGBa-----------------bb0-------Algæ Britannicæ, or Descriptions of the marine and other inarticulated plants of the British islands, belonging to the order algæ; with plates illustrative of the genera. By Robert Kaye Greville ...EdinburghMaclachlan & Stewart, Edinburghand Baldwin & Cradock, London1830[Edimburgo]Neill & co. printers[4], lxxxviii, 218, [2] p., XIX c. di tav.ill. color.Indicazione di stampa ripetuta sul verso del front.Segn.: π² a-e⁸ f⁴ A-N⁸ O⁶. - Ultima carta biancaMutilo del fasc. π². Piatto anteriore staccatoIT-NA0338: M I 55Ex libris di Giovanni Battista De Toni "Ex libris Ioannis Baptistæ De Toni" su cartellino a stampa applicato sul v. del piatto anterioreIT-NA0338: M I 55AlgheGran BretagnaGran Bretagna.EdimburgoGreville,Robert Kaye764048De Toni,Giovanni Battista<1864-1924>390Precedente proprietarioIT-NA0338: M I 55Baldwin,& Cradock650Maclachlan,& Stewart650Neill,Adam& C.650ITUNINAREICATUNIMARCVisualizza la versione elettronica in SBNWebhttps://books.google.it/books?id=-g3EpDOnXUMC&printsec=frontcover&hl=it&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false20230110AQ9910317159803321M I 55DBVDBVAlgæ Britannicæ, or Descriptions of the marine and other inarticulated plants of the British islands, belonging to the order algæ; with plates illustrative of the genera. By Robert Kaye Greville ..1550860UNINA