02032 am 22003373u 450 991031522610332120200721112544.0978908170917010.21983/P3.0220.1.00(CKB)4100000007824040(OAPEN)1004685(EXLCZ)99410000000782404020200123d2012 fy 0engurmu#---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAn anthology of asemic handwriting /edited by Tim Gaze and Michael JacobsonDen Haag, Netherlands :Uitgeverij,2013.1 online resource (213 pages) illustrations; PDF, digital file(s)Print version: 9081709178 An Anthology of Asemic Handwriting is the first book-length publication to collect the work of a community of writers on the edges of illegibility. Asemic writing is a galaxy-sized style of writing, which is everywhere yet remains largely unknown. For human observers, asemic writing may appear as lightning from a storm, a crack in the sidewalk, or the tail of a comet. But despite these observations, asemic writing is not everything: it is just an essential component, a newborn supernova dropped from a calligrapher’s hand. Asemic writing is simultaneously communicating with the past and the future of writing, from the earliest undeciphered writing systems to the xenolinguistics of the stars; it follows a peregrination from the preliterate, beyond the verbal, finally ending in a postliterate condition in which visual language has superseded words. An Anthology of Asemic Handwriting is compiled and edited by Tim Gaze from Asemic magazine and Michael Jacobson from The New Post-Literate blog.Writing in artElectronic books.Writing in art.Gaze TimJacobson Michael9910315226103321An anthology of asemic handwriting2159342UNINA