04370 am 2201225 n 450 99103099391033212019120188-5526-052-910.4000/books.ledizioni.8699(CKB)4620000000000075(FrMaCLE)OB-ledizioni-8699(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/45386(PPN)24288637X(EXLCZ)99462000000000007520200129j|||||||| ||| 0spauu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDonde no habite el olvido Herencia y transmisión del testimonio en México y Centroamérica /Ana María González Luna, Ana Sagi-Vela GonzálezMilano Ledizioni20191 online resource (260 p.) Di/Segni88-6705-614-X Es este un lugar de encuentro en un territorio compartido, el de la palabra transmitida que rompe el silencio y transforma el mundo. El testimonio, la memoria, la demanda de justicia hunden sus raíces en los terrenos movedizos de las políticas del terror aplicadas en México y Centroamérica. Desde una dimensión ética y política, los textos recogidos en este volumen revisan el género testimonial en la voz de los testigos, en la narrativa literaria y periodística, en las artes visuales y escénicas, en nombre de las víctimas –migrantes, indígenas, mujeres, guerrilleras, disidentes de las prácticas abusivas del poder–, buscando un lugar donde no habite el olvido. La memoria íntima, la denuncia y la esperanza se cuelan para recordarnos que la violencia, la de ayer y la de hoy, no tiene cabida en esta casa construida con palabras.HistoryLiteratureculturaspagnoloUniversitàUniversità degli Studi di Milanotestimonetestimonianzaopera narrativaMessicoculturespanishuniversityUniversity of MilanespagnoluniversitéUniversité de Milantémointémoignagetravail narratifMexiquetestigotestimonioobra narrativaMexicoespañoluniversidadUniversidad de MilánHistoryLiteratureculturaspagnoloUniversitàUniversità degli Studi di Milanotestimonetestimonianzaopera narrativaMessicoculturespanishuniversityUniversity of MilanespagnoluniversitéUniversité de Milantémointémoignagetravail narratifMexiquetestigotestimonioobra narrativaMexicoespañoluniversidadUniversidad de MilánBorzacchiello Emanuela1316293Calveiro Pilar808099Domenella Ana Rosa1316294González Luna C Ana María1316295González Luna C Ana María1316296González Luna C Ana María1316295Hernández Amaranta Cornejo1316297Lorenzano Sandra1316298Madrid Lucía Raphael De La1316299Martínez Ana Guadalupe1316300Negrín Edith1316301Pezzè Andrea703497Ripa Valentina1316302Rocco Alessandro619728Sarto Ana Del1291233Stanton Anthony1022524González Luna Ana María946097Sagi-Vela González Ana1316303FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910309939103321Donde no habite el olvido3032637UNINA06272nam 2200685 450 991073433870332120231115014733.01-77385-409-710.1515/9781773854090(MiAaPQ)EBC30625742(Au-PeEL)EBL30625742(DE-B1597)671292(DE-B1597)9781773854090(EXLCZ)992755817950004120230901d2023 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierClimate justice and participatory research building climate-resilient commons /Patricia E. Perkins1st ed.Calgary, Alberta :LCR Publishing Services,[2023]©20231 online resource (398 pages)Print version: Perkins, Patricia E. Climate Justice and Participatory Research Calgary : University of Calgary Press,c2023 Front Cover -- Half Title Page -- Full Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- List of Maps -- Introduction | ParticipatoryResearch, Knowledge andLivelihood Commons Build Community-Based Climate Resilience -- PART 1: Knowledge Commons -- 1 | Putting Ethos into Practice: Climate Justice Research in the Global Knowledge Commons -- 2 | Integrating Citizen Science Observations in Climate Mapping: Lessons from Coastal-Zone Geovisualization in Chilean Patagonia and the Brazilian Southeast -- PART II: Food, Land, and Agricultural Commons -- 3 | Enhancing Local Sensitivities to Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Capacities of Smallholder Farmers: Community-Based Participatory Research -- 4 | The Oil Palm Sector in the Climate Crisis: Resilience and Social Justice in the Commune of Ngwéi (Littoral-Cameroon) -- 5 | Common-Pool Resources and the Governance of Community Gardens: Experimenting with Participatory Research in São Paulo, Brazil -- 6 | Linking Soil and Social-Ecological Resilience with the Climate Agenda: Perspectives from Quilombola Communitiesin the Atlantic Forest, Brazil -- 7 | Commons Governance and Climate Resilience: Intergovernmental Relationships in the Guapiruvu Community, Brazil -- PART III: Water and Fisheries Commons -- 8 | Mining and Water Insecurity in Brazil: Geo-Participatory Dam Mapping (MapGD) and Community Empowerment -- 9 | Investigating Citizen Participation in Plans for Lamu Port, Kenya -- 10 | Hydroelectricity, Water Rights, Community Mapping, and Indigenous Toponyms in the Queuco River Basin -- 11 | Sentinels of Carelmapu: Participatory Community Monitoring to Protect Indigenous Marinescapes in Southern Chile -- 12 | Inequality in Water Accessfor South Africa's Small-Scale Farmers Amid a Climate Crisis: Past and Present Injustices in a Legal Context.13 | Activist Citizen Science: Building Water Justice in South Africa -- PART IV: Collective Resilience for Climate Justice -- 14 | Conflicting Perspectives in the Global South Just Transition Movement: A Case Study of the Mpumalanga Coal Region in South Africa -- 15 | Saving Our "Common Home": A Critical Analysis of the "For Our Common Home" Campaignin Alberta -- 16 | Action Research for Climate Justice: Challenging the Carbon Market and False Climate Solutions in Mozambique -- 17 | Youth Climate Activism: Mobilizing for a Common Future -- List of Contributors -- Index -- Back Cover.Climate catastrophe throws into stark relief the extreme, life-threatening inequalities that affect millions of lives worldwide. The poorest and most marginalized, who are least responsible for the consumption and emissions that create climate change, are the first and hardest impacted, and the least able to protect themselves. Climate justice is simultaneously a movement, an academic field, an organizing principle, and a political demand. Building climate justice is a matter of life and death. Climate Justice and Participatory Research offers ideas and inspiration for climate justice through the creation of research, knowledge, and livelihood commons and community-based climate resilience. It brings together articulations of the what, why, and how of climate justice through the voices of energetic and motivated scholar-activists who are building alliances across Latin America, Africa, and Canada. Exemplifying socio-ecological transformation through equitable public engagement, these scholars, climate activists, community educators, and teachers come together to share their stories of participatory research and collective action. Grounded in experience and processes that are currently underway, Climate Justice and Participatory Research explores the value of common assets, collective action, environmental protection, and equitable partnerships between local community experts and academic allies. It demonstrates the negative effects of climate-related actions that run roughshod over local communities’ interests and wellbeing, and acknowledges the myriad challenges of participatory research. This is a work committed to the practical work of transforming socio-economies from situations of vulnerability to collective wellbeing.Climate justiceInternational cooperationClimatic changesSocial aspectsResilience (Ecology)african studies.citizen science.climate activism.climate justice.climate research.commons.ecological economics.fisheries.food and agriculture.indigenous studies.knowledge commons.latin american studies.participatory research.redd.water.youth climate activism.Climate justiceInternational cooperation.Climatic changesSocial aspects.Resilience (Ecology)363.73874525071Perkins Patricia E.0MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910734338703321Climate Justice and Participatory Research3400503UNINA