02901 am 2200661 n 450 99103066369033212019010188-6705-527-510.4000/books.ledizioni.2505(CKB)4100000007522763(FrMaCLE)OB-ledizioni-2505(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/47684(PPN)234055901(EXLCZ)99410000000752276320190124j|||||||| ||| 0itauu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierUna finestra sul mondo del lavoro /Riccardo Bonato, Francesca CampiniMilano Ledizioni20191 online resource (97 p.) 88-6705-287-X Questo volume ha lo scopo di rendere accessibile a tutti, giuristi e non, il diritto del lavoro necessario per una prima informazione. Questo libro è parte del progetto “Una finestra sul Mondo del Lavoro” dell’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca promosso da Associazione Studenti Bicocca e Liste di Sinistra. All’interno di questo progetto, dottorandi della facoltà di giurisprudenza, praticanti e giovani avvocati specializzati nel diritto del lavoro hanno unito le loro capacità al fine di creare una piattaforma di formazione giuslavoristica per gli studenti. Quest’opera non ha l’ambizione di trattare in modo accademicamente esauriente gli argomenti, ma è mossa dallo spirito di dare a tutti, anche ai non giuristi, la possibilità di accedere alle prime informazioni per poter comprendere la regolazione del proprio contratto di lavoro. La traduzione Inglese del testo è stata curata da Olivia Tiko, Tommaso Daverio, Giorgio Pariani, Anna Savi e Gabriele Savi. La traduzione Spagnola del testo è stata curata da Blanca BravoLawlavoroHórismajobs acttravailworkworkHórismajobs actLawlavoroHórismajobs acttravailworkBattaia Jessica1301262Bega Irene1301263Bonato Riccardo751839Campini Francesca803361Carbonera Laura1301264Elia Riccardo1301265Lama Roberto1301266Leoni Giulia1301267Negri Giulia1301268Reyneri Emilio25997Varva Simone721300Bonato Riccardo751839Campini Francesca803361FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910306636903321Una finestra sul mondo del lavoro3025827UNINA04568nam 2200553 450 991074659500332120231010153508.01-03-530154-7(MiAaPQ)EBC30752265(Au-PeEL)EBL30752265(CKB)28284168900041(NjHacI)9928284168900041(UtOrBLW)eep9781035301546(EXLCZ)992828416890004120231010d2023 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBuilding an International Cybersecurity Regime Multistakeholder Diplomacy /Ian Johnstone, Arun Sukumar, and Joel Trachtman, editorsFirst edition.Northampton :Edward Elgar Publishing,2023.1 online resource (282 pages)Elgar International Law and Technology SeriesIncludes index.Print version: Johnstone, Ian Building an International Cybersecurity Regime Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited,c2023 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front Matter -- Copyright -- Contents -- Contributors -- PART I Introduction -- 1. Building cybersecurity through multistakeholder diplomacy: Politics, processes, and prospects -- PART II Thematic issues -- 2. The geopolitics of multistakeholder cyber diplomacy: A comparative analysis -- 3. Multistakeholder characteristics of past and ongoing cybersecurity norms processes -- 4. Developing multistakeholder structures for cybersecurity norms: Learning from experience -- 5. Implementing cybersecurity norms: The design of international institutions -- PART III Country perspectives -- 6. U.S. multistakeholder engagement in cyber stability issues -- 7. Russia's participation in multistakeholder diplomacy for cybersecurity norms -- 8. Rethinking Chinese multistakeholder governance of cybersecurity -- 9. India's "passive" multistakeholder cyber diplomacy -- 10. Brazil and multistakeholder diplomacy for the Internet: Past achievements, current challenges and the road ahead -- 11. Taking stock of Estonia's multistakeholder cyber diplomacy -- PART IV Conclusion -- 12. The way ahead for multistakeholder cyber diplomacy -- Index."Providing a much-needed study on cybersecurity regime building, this comprehensive book is a detailed analysis of cybersecurity norm-making processes and country positions, through the lens of multi-stakeholder diplomacy. Multi-disciplinary and multi-national scholars and practitioners use insights drawn from high-level discussion groups to provide a rigorous analysis of how major cyber powers view multi-stakeholder diplomacy. Looking at how past cybersecurity initiatives and multi-stakeholder negotiations in other fields illuminate its dynamics, this book will help put states' approaches towards multi-stakeholder cyber diplomacy into perspective, and frame the role of private actors in cybersecurity regime building. Evaluating the most promising institutional arrangements and mechanisms for implementing cybersecurity, this book combines top-down analyses relevant to the design of international cybersecurity regimes with bottom-up case studies, tracing the approaches of important states towards multi-stakeholder participation in cyber diplomacy. With a wealth of policy-relevant findings, this book will be welcomed by practitioners and scholars of international law, international organisation and international cybersecurity as well as multi-stakeholder governance and multilateral regimes. Policymakers and diplomats involved in international cybersecurity processes will also benefit from its cutting-edge comparative analysis of the approaches of key cyber powers"--Provided by publisher.Elgar International Law and Technology SeriesComputer securityLaw and legislationCyber intelligence (Computer security)InternetLaw and legislationComputer securityLaw and legislation.Cyber intelligence (Computer security)InternetLaw and legislation.005.8026Johnstone IanSukumar ArunTrachtman JoelEdward Elgar Publishing,MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910746595003321Building an International Cybersecurity Regime3572796UNINA