02446nam 2200601 a 450 991030555710332120200520144314.01-135-79959-80-203-72590-51-299-28682-81-135-79952-010.4324/9780203725900 (CKB)2560000000099777(EBL)1144644(OCoLC)831119306(SSID)ssj0000083514(PQKBManifestationID)11120580(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000083514(PQKBWorkID)10163411(PQKB)11294635(OCoLC)841171621(MiAaPQ)EBC1144644(EXLCZ)99256000000009977720130326e20122006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEthics in social work a context of caring /David GuttmannNew York Routledge20121 online resource (294 p.)Social work practice in actionFirst published by The Haworth Press in 2006.0-7890-2853-0 0-7890-2852-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.pt. I. Theoretical and professional perspectives -- pt. II. Applied aspects of therapeutic work.Professional knowledge doesn't guarantee you'll make the right decisions when it comes to professional ethics Ethics in Social Work introduces students, practitioners, and educators to theoretical and conceptual approaches to professional ethics and to the practice-related aspects of dealing with ethical problems and dilemmas. This unique book equips social workers with the ability to choose among different perspectives on the place and value of ethics in their approach to clients, and to use, defend, and explain their choices to clients, colleagues, supervisors, administrators, thHaworth social work practice.Social workersProfessional ethicsSocial serviceMoral and ethical aspectsSocial workersProfessional ethics.Social serviceMoral and ethical aspects.174/.93613Guttmann David964074MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910305557103321Ethics in social work2186387UNINA