02727 am 22005533u 450 991030414750332120230327195710.010.20851/ilm-1(CKB)4100000007389933(OAPEN)1002623(WaSeSS)IndRDA00124696(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/34587(EXLCZ)99410000000738993320200618d2019 uy 0enguuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrier'Ilm science, religion and art in Islam /edited by Samer AkkachAdelaideUniversity of Adelaide Press2019Adelaide, South Australia :University of Adelaide Press,2019.1 online resource (240)1-925261-75-1 1-925261-76-X Includes bibliographical references.This edited volume of chapters resulted from an international conference held at the University of Adelaide in July 2016 under the same title to explore the multifaceted concept of ʿilm in Islam — its agency and manifestations in the connected realms of science, religion, and the arts. The aim is to explore the Islamic civilisational responses to major shifts in the concept of ‘knowledge’ that took place in the post-mediaeval period, and especially within the context of the ‘early modern’. It asserts that the true value of knowledge lies in its cross-civilisational reach, as when the development of knowledge in pre-modern Islam exerted profound changes onto the Europeans, whose resurgence in the early modern period has in turn forced massive changes onto the Islamic worldview and its systems of knowledge. Now the landscape of knowledge has significantly changed, the Muslim mind, which has been historically calibrated to be particularly sensitive towards knowledge, can and should open to new horizons of knowing where science, religion, and art can meet again on freshly cultivated and intellectually fertile grounds.Islam and scienceIslam and artKnowledge, Theory of (Islam)ilmislamartsciencereligionislamic worldviewpremodern islamIslam and science.Islam and art.Knowledge, Theory of (Islam)297.265Akkach Sameredt1153721Akkach SamerWaSeSSWaSeSSBOOK9910304147503321Ilm3068245UNINA