00894nam 2200277 450 991042115850332120201102145403.0978274675184220201102d2019----u y0engy50 bafrey 001ybGrand atlas de l'Antiquité romaineIIIe siècle av. J.-C.-VIe siècle apr. J.-C.Christophe Badel et Hervé Inglebertcartographie, Claire LevasseurNouvelle édition mise à jourParisAutrement2019191 p.ill.30 cm937.06Badel,Christophe290919Inglebert,Hervé421932LevasseurClaireUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910421158503321937.06 BAD 12020/1479FLFBCFLFBCGrand atlas de l'Antiquité romaine1760547UNINA06023nam 2200529 450 991030051030332120220419145711.03-658-18894-410.1007/978-3-658-18894-8(CKB)4340000000223596(DE-He213)978-3-658-18894-8(MiAaPQ)EBC5599500(MiAaPQ)EBC6690334(Au-PeEL)EBL5599500(OCoLC)1028667906(Au-PeEL)EBL6690334(PPN)259471135(EXLCZ)99434000000022359620220419d2018 uy 0engurnn|008mamaatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe changing East Asian security landscape challenges, actors and governance /Stefan Frohlich, Howard Loewen, editors1st ed. 2018.Wiesbaden, Germany :Springer VS,[2018]℗♭20181 online resource (VI, 163 p.) Edition ZfAS3-658-18893-6 Intro -- Contents -- East Asia's Security Architecture and the Role of the United States and Other External Actors-an Introduction -- References -- The US Pivot and its Implications for the Current East Asian Security Architecture -- 1 The Evolution of American Interest in Asia-Pacific -- 2 China's Evolving Strategy -- 3 US Strategic Planning to Counter the Chinese Challenge -- 4 Reinforcing a New Web of Partnerships -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Intra-Asia Pacific Defense Cooperation and the Emergence of a 2nd Order Security Architecture -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Empirical and Analytical Setting -- 2.1 1st Order Security Architecture: Traditional Security Alliances and Multilateral Cooperation -- 2.2 2nd Order Security Architecture: Intra-Asian Defense Cooperation -- 2.3 Cause, Design and Effects of the 2nd Order Security Architecture -- 3 The 2nd Order Security Architecture -- 3.1 Japan's Defense Linkages in the Asia-Pacific -- 3.2 Australia's Defense Linkages in the Asia-Pacific -- 3.3 Trilateral Cooperation Involving the US -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Sino-American Competition as Security Suppliers in the Asia-Pacific -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Competition as Security Suppliers -- 3 China's Strategy as a New Supplier -- 4 U.S. Strategy as a Defender of the Monopolistic Market -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Paul Kennedy's Conception of Great Power Rivalry and US-China Relations in the Obama Era -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Paul Kennedy's Conception of Great Power Rivalry -- 3 Globalization and Obama's Refashioning of US National Security Policy -- 4 Obama's China Policy -- 5 Case Study in US-China Engagement-Countering Nuclear Proliferation in Iran -- 6 Case Study in US-China Competition-Beijing's Assertiveness in the South China Sea -- 7 The Changing Dynamics of Great Power Rivalry in the 21st Century -- References.China's Rise and the U.S Pivot to Asia: The Implications of Trans-Pacific Partnership on the Regional Economic Architecture -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Regional Economic Architecture and the Balance of Power in Asia -- 3 Soft Balancing in the Theory of Balance of Power -- 4 U.S Soft Balancing and Chinese Rebalancing Strategy: A "Two-Hub" Asian Economic Architecture -- 5 Trump's Presidency and the Future of the Regional Economic Architecture -- References -- India and the East Asia Security Architecture -- 1 India-China Relations -- 2 India-Southeast Asia -- 3 India and Japan -- 4 India and the United States -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Crisis, Change and the Problem of Collective Self-Defense in Japan's Security Policy -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Crisis and Change -- 3 The First Crisis: North Korea's Nuclear Programme -- 4 The Second Crisis: North Korea's Missile Test -- 5 The Third Crisis: 11 September 2001 -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- European Perspectives Regarding the Evolving Security Architecture in Southeast Asia -- 1 China Getting More Assertive -- 2 Rebalancing of the U.S. in Asia and the Evolving Regional Security Structure -- 3 European Perspectives -- 4 Conclusion -- References.This book examines a highly relevant empirical issue in International Rela- tions. A group of renowned scholars analyzes the new dynamics of East  Asian Security and its respective governance structure challenging the  conventional wisdom that the US as the traditional offshore balancer in the region is still the most definitive element in determining the outcomes in the region. Since the US pivot and other actors’ responses to it the security landscape has changed in form, size and function. In order to analyze and explain these changes, the authors apply hypotheses derived from Inter- national Relations middle range theories (i.e. soft and hard balancing) to  cases of bilateral and multilateral security governance in East Asia. Contents •The US pivot and its implications for the current East Asian  Security Architecture •Intra-Asian Defense Cooperation and the Emergence of a 2nd Order Security Architecture in the Asia-Pacific •Sino-American Competition as Security Suppliers in the Asia-Pacific •Paul Kennedy’s Conception of Great Power Rivalry and US-China Relations in the Obama Era etc. Target Groups Lecturers and students of international politics The Editors Dr. Stefan Fröhlich is Professor for International Politics at Friedrich-Alexan-der University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. Dr. Howard Loewen is Visiting Professor of Political Science at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.Edition ZfAS.National securityEast AsiaNational security355.03305Fröhlich Stefan1958-Loewen Howard1966-MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910300510303321The Changing East Asian Security Landscape2004324UNINA01200nam0 22002893i 450 VAN026602820231110113311.476N979128067527920231103d2023 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||ˆLe ‰case degli altrila turistificazione del centro di Napoli e le politiche pubbliche al tempo di AirbnbAlessandra EspositoFirenzeEdit2023199 p.24 cm001VAN02660312001 Territori210 FirenzeEdit2021-5FirenzeVANL000014EspositoAlessandraVANV219135738339EditVANV113236650ITSOL20231117RICAhttp://digital.casalini.it/9791280675279E-book - Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o ShibbolethBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZAIT-CE0105VAN00NVAN0266028BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA00PREST E-BOOK SBA GIUR 00EBG266028 20231103 Case degli altri3580049UNICAMPANIA