02698nam 22005775 450 991030047170332120200701082607.01-4842-0439-510.1007/978-1-4842-0439-9(CKB)3710000000249729(OCoLC)893672690(CaPaEBR)ebrary10947993(SSID)ssj0001354315(PQKBManifestationID)11896021(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001354315(PQKBWorkID)11322876(PQKB)10336662(MiAaPQ)EBC1964916(DE-He213)978-1-4842-0439-9(CaSebORM)9781484204399(PPN)181348691(EXLCZ)99371000000024972920140930d2014 u| 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrSwift Quick Syntax Reference[electronic resource] /by Matthew Campbell1st ed. 2014.Berkeley, CA :Apress :Imprint: Apress,2014.1 online resource (158 p.) Includes index.1-4842-0440-9 Swift Quick Syntax Reference is a condensed code and syntax reference to the new Apple Swift programming language, which is the alternative new programming language alongside Objective-C behind the APIs found in the Apple iOS SDK 8 and OS X Yosemite SDK. It presents the essential Swift syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons, or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a language reference that is concise, to the point, and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any Swift programmer. In the Swift Quick Syntax Reference, you will find a concise reference to the Swift language syntax using the new Playgrounds. Playgrounds lets you type a line of code and the result appears immediately.Apple computerApplication softwareApple and iOShttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/I29020Computer Applicationshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/I23001Apple computer.Application software.Apple and iOS.Computer Applications.005.133Campbell Matthewauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut686643UMIUMIBOOK9910300471703321Swift Quick Syntax Reference2044184UNINA