03466 am 2200445 n 450 9910321959503321201803062-7535-5981-310.4000/books.pur.49939(CKB)4100000008168340(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-49939(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/43618(PPN)236708430(EXLCZ)99410000000816834020190510j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLa Compagnie des Compteurs Acteur et témoin des mutations industrielles françaises du XXe siècle (1872-1987) /Paulette GiguelRennes Presses universitaires de Rennes20181 online resource (381 p.) 2-7535-3399-7 La Compagnie des Compteurs a été un acteur et un témoin majeur des mutations de l'industrie française aux XIXe et XXe siècle. En une dizaine d'années, Gabriel Chamon, acquéreur en 1872 d'un atelier de ferblanterie, employeur d'une quinzaine de compagnons, avait réussi à fédérer plusieurs entreprises de la filière du gaz, de l'eau et de l'électricité pour constituer la Compagnie pour la fabrication des compteurs et matériel d'usines à gaz qui s'honorait, en 1919, d'un effectif de 7 500 personnes. Au fil d'un siècle fertile en bouleversements politiques, économiques, sociaux, urbanistiques, caractérisé dans sa seconde partie par l'intégration de technologies radicalement nouvelles, la société dirigée par trois générations de la famille Chamon est devenue, en 1959, la Compagnie des Compteurs avec pour sigle CdC. Elle était riche d'un effectif d'environ 22 000 personnes dont 8 000 à Montrouge en 1968, à la veille de son absorption par Schlumberger Limited en 1970. Sous la raison sociale Compteurs Schlumberger, elle conserve renommée et activité qui perdurent et prospèrent sous la marque Schlumberger Industrie dans les dernières décennies du XXe siècle. Dans les années 2000 et jusqu'à nos jours, les entreprises acquéreuses de ces activités se prévalent, sous leurs raisons sociales respectives, de l'historicité de leur commun ancêtre centenaire. L'acquisition du site de Montrouge par Crédit Agricole S.A., concomitante à l'installation des différentes entités du Groupe, révèle la capacité d'une société de services à restaurer le bassin d'emploi équivalent de la société industrielle d'antan. Conjointement, l'inscription à l'inventaire général du patrimoine et l'adaptation d'anciens bâtiments industriels aux normes écologiques et la préservation du parc, de sa flore et de sa faune, élaborées en 1985 par Renzo Piano et Alexandre Chemetoff sous l'égide de Schlumberger, contribuent à l'histoire en mouvement de la ville de Montrouge.Gas industryFranceHistoryEnergy industriesFranceHistoryCompagnie des compteursSchlumbergerhistoire économiqueGas industryHistory.Energy industriesHistory.Giguel Paulette1249965Barjot Dominique438302Mounier-Kuhn Pierre1331688FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910321959503321La Compagnie des Compteurs3040550UNINA06267nam 22007575 450 991029860360332120200704221313.03-319-72260-310.1007/978-3-319-72260-3(CKB)4100000001795157(DE-He213)978-3-319-72260-3(MiAaPQ)EBC5234685(iGPub)SPNA0056091(PPN)223958204(EXLCZ)99410000000179515720180122d2018 u| 0engurnn|008mamaatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAdvanced Materials for the Conservation of Stone /edited by Majid Hosseini, Ioannis Karapanagiotis1st ed. 2018.Cham :Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Springer,2018.1 online resource (XII, 332 p. 124 illus., 89 illus. in color.) 3-319-72259-X Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Superhydrophobic coatings for the protection of natural stone.- Advanced Conservation Methods for Historical Monuments -- The protection of marble surfaces: the challenge to develop suitable nanostructured treatments -- A hybrid consolidant of nano-hydroxyapatite and silica inspired from patinas for stone conservation -- Compatible Mortars for the Sustainable Conservation of Stone in Masonries -- Inorganic Nanomaterials for the Consolidation and Antifungal Protection of Stone Heritage -- Nanomaterials for the consolidation of stone artifacts -- Testing efficiency of stone conservation treatments -- Challenges of alkoxysilane-based consolidants for carbonate stones: from neat TEOS to multi-purpose hybrid nanomaterials -- Analytical investigations and advanced materials for damage diagnosis and conservation of monument’s stucco -- Nanotechnology for the Treatment of Stony Materials’ Surface against Biocoatings -- Preserving Cultural Heritage Stone: Innovative Consolidant, Superhydrophobic, Self-Cleaning and Biocidal Products -- Antimicrobial properties of nanomaterials used to control microbial colonization of stone substrata -- Advanced and novel methodology for scientific support on decision making for stone cleaning -- Index.This book identifies novel advanced materials that can be utilized as protective agents for the preservation of stone. The innovative solutions to stone conservation presented here result in increased sustainability, reduced environmental impact, and increased social and economic benefits. It provides an overview of recent trends and progress in advanced materials applied to stone protection. It also explores the scientific principles behind these advanced materials and discusses their applications to diff erent types of stone preservation efforts. Essential information as well as knowledge on the availability and applicability of advanced nanostructured materials is also provided, with focus placed on the practical aspects of stone protection. Th e book highlights an interdisciplinary eff ort regarding novel applications of nanostructured materials in the advancement of stone protection. It provides insight towards forthcoming developments in the fi eld. Advanced nanostructured materials are designed and developed with the aim of being chemically, physically, and mechanically compatible with stone. Advanced materials for stone conservation that are characterized by several functional properties are considered in this book. These include the physico-chemical, protective, and morphological properties, eco-toxicity, and mechanisms of degradation. The authors present a thorough overview of cutting–edge discoveries, detailed information on recent technological developments, breakthroughs in novel nanomaterials, utilization strategies for applications in cultural heritage, and the current status and future outlook of the topic to address a wide range of scientific communities. Provides a basis for advanced materials technology assessments applied to stone conservation; Presents a thorough overview of cutting–edge discoveries and detailed information on recent technological developments, the current status, and future outlook; Covers environmental impact, sustainability, social eff ects, and economic benefits; Addresses a wide range of global scientific communities that develop and apply advanced materials for conservation purposes.CeramicsGlassComposites (Materials)Composite materialsTribologyCorrosion and anti-corrosivesCoatingsNanotechnologyCultural heritageNature conservationCeramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materialshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/Z18000Tribology, Corrosion and Coatingshttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/Z15000Nanotechnologyhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/Z14000Cultural Heritagehttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/419000Nature Conservationhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/U26008Ceramics.Glass.Composites (Materials).Composite materials.Tribology.Corrosion and anti-corrosives.Coatings.Nanotechnology.Cultural heritage.Nature conservation.Ceramics, Glass, Composites, Natural Materials.Tribology, Corrosion and Coatings.Nanotechnology.Cultural Heritage.Nature Conservation.620.14Hosseini Majidedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtKarapanagiotis Ioannisedthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edtBOOK9910298603603321Advanced Materials for the Conservation of Stone1564790UNINA