07125 am 22007333u 450 991029704110332120230914161858.03-631-75434-510.3726/b13954(CKB)4100000007276986(OAPEN)1003211(WaSeSS)IndRDA00124964(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/33082(MiAaPQ)EBC30685987(Au-PeEL)EBL30685987(EXLCZ)99410000000727698620200626d2005 uy 0enguuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMental health care financing in the process of change challenges and approaches for Austria /Ingrid ZechmeisterFirst edition.BernPeter Lang International Academic Publishing Group2018Frankfurt am Main, Germany :Peter Lang,2005.1 online resource (184 pages)Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien.3-631-54338-7 Cover -- LIST OF FIGURES -- LIST OF TABLES -- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 1.1. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION OF RESEARCH -- 1.2. RESEARCH QUESTION -- 1.3. METHODS, METHODOLOGY AND EPISTEMOLOGICAL BACKGROUND -- 1.4. STRUCTURE -- 2. PERSPECTIVES OF MENTAL ILLNESS -- 2.1. CONCEPTS OF MENTAL ILLNESS FROM A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE -- 2.2. TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS -- 2.3. DIMENSIONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS -- 2.3.1. Epidemiology -- 2.3.2. Socio-economic Status and Mental Illness -- 2.3.3. The Burden of Mental Illness -- 2.4. CONCLUSION -- 3. MENTAL HEALTH CARE STRUCTURES IN AUSTRIA -- 3.1. MENTAL HEALTH CARE SERVICE CATEGORIES: AN OVERVIEW -- 3.2. MENTAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES WITHIN THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM -- 3.2.1. Primary Care Services -- 3.2.2. Secondary Care Services -- 3.3. MENTAL HEALTH CARE SERVICES OUTSIDE THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM -- 3.3.1. Mobile and Ambulatory Psychiatric Services (MAPS), Social Day Structure Services and Employment Related Services -- 3.3.2. Residential Care -- 3.4. SERVICE PROVIDERS: A PUBLIC-PRIVATE Mix -- 3.5. CONCLUSION -- 4. MENTAL HEALTH CARE FINANCING -- 4.1. AN OVERVIEW OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE FINANCING IN WESTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES -- 4.1.1. Sources of Funding -- Funding Mental Health Care Services within the Health Care System -- Funding Mental Health Care Services outside the Health Care System -- 4.1.2. Transfer of Funds and Resource Allocation Processes -- 4.2. CASE-STUDY: UK -- 4.2.1. Sources of Funding -- Funding Mental Health Care Services within the Health Care System -- Funding Mental Health Care Services outside the Health Care System -- 4.2.2. Transfer of Funds and Resource Allocation Processes -- 4.3. CASE-STUDY: GERMANY -- 4.3.1. Sources of Funding -- Funding Mental Health Care Services within the Health Care System. Funding Mental Health Care Services outside the Health Care System -- 4.3.2. Transfer of Funds and Resource Allocation Processes -- 4.4. CASE-STUDY: AUSTRIA -- 4.4.1. Sources of Funding -- Funding Mental Health Care Services within the Health Care System -- Funding Mental Health Care Services Outside the Health Care System -- 4.4.2. Transfer of Funds and Resource Allocation Processes -- 4.5. CONCLUSION -- 5. PARADIGM SHIFT IN MENTAL HEALTH CARE: AN EXPLORATION OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE REFORM OBJECTIVES AND REFORM PROCESSES -- 5.1. CENTRAL FEATURES OF CHANGE FROM AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE -- 5.2. MENTAL HEALTH CARE REFORM AND REFORM DISCOURSE IN AUSTRIA: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS -- 5.2.1. Rationale -- Excursus: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations of a 'Critical Discourse Analysis' -- 5.2.2. Empirical Data, Method and Analytical Framework -- 5.2.3. Mental Health Care Policy in Austria since the 1960s: A Brief Historical Overview -- 5.2.4. Mental Health Care Plans in Austria: Development and Contents -- 5.2.5. Analysis of Reform Discourses and Processes -- The Different Faces of Community Mental Health Care -- Actor-relationships and Discourse Struggles -- Mental Health Care between Economisation and Changing Patterns of Governance -- Towards a Liberal Model of Mental Health Care? -- 5.3. CONCLUSION -- 6. MENTAL HEALTH CARE FINANCING IN THE LIGHT OF REFORM OBJECTIVES AND DISCOURSE -- 6.1. ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK -- 6.2. MENTAL HEALTH CARE FINANCING AND IMPACTS ON THE MACRO LEVEL -- 6.2.1. The Changing Role of the State -- 6.2.2. The Rising Position of the 'Market' -- 6.3. MENTAL HEALTH CARE FINANCING AND IMPACTS ON THE MICRO LEVEL -- 6.3.1. Shifting of the Financial Burden on the Individual Level -- 6.3.2. 'Consumers' of Mental Health Care: Opportunities and Pitfalls.6.4. CONCLUSION -- 7. CONCLUDING REMARKS: WHAT FINANCING FOR MENTAL HEALTH CARE? -- 7.1. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS -- 7.2. GUIDELINES FOR DISCUSSING FINANCING OPTIONS -- 7.2.1. Content Dimension -- 7.2.2. Process Dimension -- 7.3. CLOSING STATEMENT.While mental health care has undergone substantial reforms, little attention has been paid to financing issues. This book addresses this shortcoming and brings more transparency into the complex relationship between mental health care reform, service provision and financing. Additionally, it provides rich information about the characteristics of mental health care financing in Western Europe. The author analyses the recent mental health care reform discourse against the backdrop of broader political economic developments and demonstrates the role of financing arrangements herein. The book vividly shows how financing is related to specific effects for service users and their relatives in the process of change. In the final part practitioners, planers and policy makers find useful guidelines for developing alternative financing approaches including support to improve understanding of financing issues amongst those involved in mental health care.Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien.Mental health servicesAustriaFinanceMental health planningAustriaApproachesAustriaCareChallengesChangeFinancingFinanzierungGemeindepsychiatrieGesundheitswesenHealthHealth CareMentalMental IllnessÖsterreichProcessReformReform DiscourseZechmeisterMental health servicesFinance.Mental health planning362.20425209436Zechmeister Ingrid899187WaSeSSWaSeSSBOOK9910297041103321Mental health care financing in the process of change2008900UNINA