03649oam 2200721 c 450 991029704060332120240715162237.09783631751138363175113310.3726/b13666(CKB)4100000007276991(OAPEN)1003005(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/28752(PH02)9783631751138(MiAaPQ)EBC31850476(Au-PeEL)EBL31850476(EXLCZ)99410000000727699120240525h20182009 uy 0engurnnunnnannuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierNational Competitiveness of Vietnam: Determinants, Emerging Key Issues and RecommendationsRolf Hasse, Phuc Hien Nguyen1st, New ed.Frankfurt a.MPH0220182018, c20091 online resource (256 p.), EPDFSchriften zur Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik39Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften9783631591352 3631591357 Contents: National Competitiveness of Vietnam - Theoretical Frameworks of National Competitiveness - Determinants of National Competitiveness - Empirical Study of Determinants Driving Vietnam's National Competitiveness - Emerging Key Issues; Recommendations to Enhance the Competitiveness of Vietnam.The author presents an empirical study on Vietnam's national competitiveness by using mixed methods research (qualitative and quantitative) with a combination of hard and soft data. The result shows that production resources (human, infrastructure, capital and natural resources) have played the most important role in improving competitiveness, productivity and living standard in Vietnam in the last two decades. The author also analyzed and evaluated the competitiveness of the Vietnamese economy, and pointed out the remaining weaknesses of competitiveness compared to the selected regional countries such as shortage of production resources supply, a dominance of inefficient state-owned enterprises and its slow reform, and weak public institutions as well as inefficient government governance. These weaknesses have led Vietnam's competitiveness, productivity and economic growth to remain low, especially compared to China. Finally, the author attempts to provide some recommendations enhancing the competitiveness, productivity, and citizens' living standard in Vietnam in the long term.Schriften Zur Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik SeriesSchriften zur Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik vol. 39National Competitiveness of VietnamEconomicsbicsscVietnamEconomic conditionsVietnamEconomic policyCompany Strategy and OperationCompetitivenessDeterminantsEmergingInfrastructure DevelopmentIssuesNationalNguyenProduction ResourcesRecommendationsTechnology TransferVietnamEconomics382/.104209597Nguyen Hien Phuc1372074Hasse RolfedtNguyen Phuc HienautPH02PH02BOOK9910297040603321National competitiveness of Vietnam3401998UNINA