03294oam 22006014a 450 991029313410332120250115061120.09780520298651052029865910.1525/luminos.57(CKB)4100000007142884(OAPEN)1002460(DE-B1597)539705(OCoLC)1038032572(DE-B1597)9780520970700(MdBmJHUP)muse72979(ScCtBLL)0be1c6b5-54f8-4b24-b2ba-58ceffde19d3(MiAaPQ)EBC31594318(Au-PeEL)EBL31594318(EXLCZ)99410000000714288420180504d2019 uy 0engurmu#---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMiddlebrow ModernismBritten’s Operas and the Great Divide /Christopher Chowrimootoo1st ed.Oakland, California :University of California Press,[2019]©[2019]1 online resource (xii, 229 pages) PDF, digital file(s)California Studies in 20th-Century Music ;24Print version: 9780520298651 9780520970700 0520970705 Includes bibliographical references and index.Middlebrow modernism -- Sentimentality under erasure in Peter Grimes -- The timely traditions of Albert Herring -- The turn of the screw, or : the Gothic Melodrama of modernism -- The burning fiery furnace and the redemption of religious Kitsch -- Death in Venice and the aesthetics of sublimation."At publication date, a free ebook version of this title will be available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit www.luminosoa.org to learn more. This provocative study is situated at the intersection of the history, historiography, and aesthetics of twentieth-century music. It uses Benjamin Britten's operas to illustrate the ways in which composers, critics, and audiences mediated the 'great divide' between modernism and mass culture. Reviving midcentury discussions of the 'middlebrow,' Christopher Chowrimootoo demonstrates how these works allowed audiences to have their modernist cake and eat it too: to revel in the pleasures of consonance, lyricism, and theatrical spectacle even while enjoying the prestige that came from rejecting them. By focusing on key moments when reigning aesthetic oppositions and hierarchies threatened to collapse, Middlebrow Modernism offers a powerful model for recovering shades of gray in the previously black-and-white historiographies of twentieth-century music"--Provided by publisher.California studies in 20th-century music ;24.Music20th centuryPhilosophy and estheticsModernism (Music)History20th centuryOpera20th centuryMusicPhilosophy and esthetics.Modernism (Music)HistoryOpera782.1092Chowrimootoo Christopher1985-1023318MdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910293134103321Middlebrow Modernism2430974UNINA