01617 am 22004093u 450 9910289339203321201903041-911529-28-510.5334/bbl(CKB)4100000007010759(OAPEN)1004236(WaSeSS)IndRDA00125448(EXLCZ)99410000000701075920200709d2011 uy 0enguuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSecurity sector reform narrowing the gap between theory and practice /Albrecht Schnabel and Hans BornLondon :Ubiquity Press,2011.1 online resource (71) SSR Paper ;1The persistent gap between theory and practice in SSR can be a source of much irritation and disappointment at failures to implement SSR norms as well as in response to concepts and strategies that seem unhelpfully far removed from local realities. This paper compares ideal-case SSR environments with real-life conditions of implementing SSR. Through offering suggestions for better practice in SSR implementation, it shows that the art of applied SSR can be learned. National securityMilitary policyNational security.Military policy.355.03Schnabel Albrecht881787Born H(Hans),1964-WaSeSSWaSeSSBOOK9910289339203321Security sector reform2015774UNINA