01242nam0-2200313 --450 991028474360332120181002144215.09789027240095978902727310920181002d2012----kmuy0itay5050 baengcatcatNL 001yyEstudis lingüístics i culturals sobre Curial e Güelfa= Linguistic and cultural studies on "Curial e Güelfa"novel·la cavalleresca anònima del segle XV en llengua catalanaa 15th century anonymous chivalric romance in Catalaneditat per Antoni Ferrando FrancésAmsterdamPhiladelphiaJohn Benjamins20122 voll. (XXI, IX, 1193 p.)25 cmIVITRA research in linguistics and literaturestudies, editions and translationsIVITRA Research Project3449.9094449.97849.933Ferrando i Francés,AntoniITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910284743603321449.9 FRA 1 (1)bibl. 2018FLFBC449.9 FRA 1 (2)bibl. 2018FLFBCFLFBCEstudis lingüístics i culturals sobre Curial e Güelfa1507891UNINA