05668oam 2200745 c 450 991028444120332120220221094418.03-8474-0937-99783847409373(CKB)3710000000571620(EBL)4189283(SSID)ssj0001668067(PQKBManifestationID)16456908(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001668067(PQKBWorkID)14996815(PQKB)10875510(MiAaPQ)EBC4189283(Verlag Barbara Budrich)9783847409373(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/33064(EXLCZ)99371000000057162020220221d2016 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrGender Equality in ContextPolicies and Practices in Switzerland[electronic resource]Brigitte Liebig, Karin Gottschall, Birgit Sauer1st ed.LeverkusenVerlag Barbara Budrich20161 online resource (264 p.)Description based upon print version of record.3-8474-0727-9 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters.Cover ; Gender Equality in Context; Content; 1 Introduction; Gender equality: Policies and practicesin Switzerland; 2 Gender equality policies andtheir implementation; Comparing governance regimes for equal opportunities: Federal administrations as employers in Switzerland, Germany and Austria; 1 Introduction; 2 Case studies of federal administrations; 3 Federal administrations as employers; 4 Comparing institutions for gender equality; 4.1 Equality officers: status, role, and coordination; 4.2 Equality plans: strategic instruments with limited effectiveness5 Comparing measures for gender equality5.1 Reconciliation of work and family: between part-time employment and parental leave; 5.2 Women's career development: between individual promotion and quotas; 6 Conclusion; References; Whose welfare - whose autonomy? Welfare, work and care in social investment practice; 1 Introduction: Women's work - choices and constraints; 2 Theoretical framework, methods and data; 3 Work as obligation or capability - welfare workers' perspective; 4 Work and care as promises and burdens - clients' perspective; 5 Conclusions; ReferencesViolence against women - an indicator of gender equality?!1 Introduction; 2 State of the art: policy and research in the field ofviolence against women; 2.1 Policy area "gender based violence"; 2.2 Research on violence against women; 3 About the project; 4 Key findings and conclusions; 4.1 Women's view of today's intervention goals; 4.2 Women's experiences regarding the achievement ofintervention goals; 4.3 Implications of today's intervention practice; 4.4 Interventions do not stop violence; 5 Discussion and closing remarks; ReferencesGender equality and evidence-based policymaking: Experiences from social transfer and tax policy reforms1 Introduction: Problem description; 2 Conceptual and empirical basis of the study; 2.1 The concept of gender equality; 2.2 The concept of evidence-based policy-making; 2.3 Empirical basis of the study; 3 How often, by whom and why is evidence based and gender sensitive knowledge applied?; 3.1 Application frequency of evidence-based and gender-sensitive knowledge; 3.2 Influence of institutional actors on the inclusion ofevidence-based and gender-sensitive knowledge3.2.1 The impulse to include evidence-based and gender-sensitive knowledge3.2.2 Timing of the inclusion of evidence-based and gender-sensitive knowledge; 3.3 Explaining the differences in the inclusion of evidence-based, gender-sensitive knowledge; 3.3.1 The influence of structural inter-cantonal differences; 3.3.2 The influence of procedural differences between the models; 4 Conclusions for an evidence-basedgender equality policy; 5 Reflections and need for research; References; 3 Interdependencies betweengender and other categoriesof social inequalityVarieties of childcare policies in Swiss municipalities: Bounded possibilities for gender-equality and social cohesionGender Equality has not yet been achieved in many western countries. Switzerland in particular has failed as a forerunner in integrating women in politics and economy. Taking Switzerland as a case study, the authors critically reflect the state of gender equality in different policy areas such as education, family and labour. The collection of articles reveals how gender policies and cultural contexts interact with social practices of gender (in)equality. They also outline the gender(ed) effects of recent changes and reform strategies for scientists, politicians and practitioners.Gender EqualityGender PolicySwitzerlandSwitzerlandSocial conditionsGender EqualityGender PolicySwitzerlandChild careDay careLabour economicsGender EqualityGender PolicySwitzerland305.309494Liebig BrigitteedtLiebig BrigitteProf. Dr.edtGottschall KarinProf. Dr.edtSauer BirgitProf. Dr.edtMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910284441203321Gender equality in context2018215UNINA