04891nam 22005653a 450 991028222640332120240507225305.09783110492415311049241510.1515/9783110492415(CKB)4100000005043696(ScCtBLL)fd478e72-9fe0-4124-83d5-ca861b0fdbd8(DE-B1597)469344(OCoLC)1031918005(DE-B1597)9783110492415(MiAaPQ)EBC5355846(EXLCZ)99410000000504369620211214i20182019 uu enguru||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPhilosophy of Globalization /Oscar Daniel, Concha Roldán1st ed.Berlin :De Gruyter,2018.1 online resource (481 p.)9783110544671 3110544679 Frontmatter --Preface --Contents --1. Global Economy and Politics --The Political Subject in Globalization: the Discussion Agency --Complex Citizenship and Globalization --A Defense of Cooperative Cognition --Conceptualizing Capitalist Globalization --Liberalism's All-inclusive Promise of Freedom and its Illiberal Effects: A Critique of the Concept of Globalization --Defense of 'Soft' Universalism or 'Clash of Civilizations' --The Places of Critical Universalism: Postcolonial and Decolonial Approaches in Context --2. Ethical Duty: Global Justice --The Thinning and Deformation of Ethical and Political Concepts in the Era of Globalization --Globalization, Inequalities and Justice --From a Bounded View to a Globalized Perspective: Considerations on a Human Right to Health --Who Are the Subjects of Justice in a Globalized World? From the 'Unidimensional Identity' to the 'Diversity of Identities' --Sustainable Intergenerational Justice and its Ends --Global Responsibility in a Historical Context --3. On History of Globalization --Philosophical History at the Cusp of Globalization: Scottish Enlightenment Reflections on Colonial Spanish America --Jesuit Mission and the Globalization of Knowledge of the Americas: Florian Paucke's Hin und Her in the Province of 'Paraquaria' During the Eighteenth Century --Urban Globalization and its Historicity: The Case of the Global Sanitary City in Mexico in the Nineteenth Century --A Land of Opportunities: Foreign Engineers in the Ottoman Empire --Cartographies of the 'Eastern Question': Some Considerations on Mapping the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea in the Nineteenth Century --The Effect of Dependency Theory on Discussions of 'Underdevelopment' in Turkey --The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism and the Problem of Temporalization-on the 100th Anniversary of Witold Kula's Birth --4. Globalization in the History of Philosophy --Globalization and Crisis of Values: Promise and Total Disappointment --Radical and Moderate Enlightenment? The Case of Diderot and Kant --Hospitality, Coercion and Peace in Kant --Critical Global Studies and Planetary History: New Perspectives on the Enlightenment --Globalization and Modernity in Marx and Postone --The Metaphysics of Globalization in Heidegger --Globalization as a Symbolic Form: Ernst Cassirer's Philosophy of Symbolic Form as the Basis for a Theory of Globalization --5. Theory of Globalization and Philosophy of History --Theory and Practice of Historical Writing in Times of Globalization --Koselleck-Foucault: The Birth and Death of Philosophy of History --Where is History Heading? Concerning the Idea of Progress --The Crisis of Historical Time at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: An Early Counterpoint Between Benjamin and Heidegger as a Crucial Issue for Thinking Modernity, Globalization and its Historical Space --A Philosophical Inquiry into the Future as a Category of Historical Time --Index of PersonsThe aim of the publication is both to provide the debates on globalization with a genuine philosophical perspective by working out its normative dimensions, and to scientifically ground the ethical-philosophical discourse on global responsibility. Other topics addressed are the altering consciousness of space and time, and globalization as a discourse, as an ideology and as a symbolic form.GlobalizaciónEticaFilosofíaGlobalization.global responsibility.human rights.GlobalizaciónEticaFilosofía303.48/201303.48201Daniel OscarRoldán ConchaScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910282226403321Philosophy of Globalization1908399UNINA