00867nam0-2200301 --450 991083789610332120240312143132.0978-88-7984-770-4IT2022-1075620240312d2022----kmuy0itay5050 baitaengIT 001yy<<Le >>avventure di un libraioGiuseppe OrioliMilanoLuni2022325 p.1 ritratto21 cm<<Il >>sogno di Gutenberg14Traduzione di G. OrioliOrioli, GiuseppeAutobiografie381.4500209223Orioli,Giuseppe447534ITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910837896103321070.5 LUNI 01 (14)2023/6704FLFBCFLFBCAvventure di un libraio4131297UNINA04843nam 2200661 a 450 991027958630332120200520144314.01-282-05492-997866120549211-55250-442-5(CKB)1000000000750227(EBL)3012143(SSID)ssj0000114069(PQKBManifestationID)11129862(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000114069(PQKBWorkID)10102072(PQKB)11036645(CaBNvSL)slc00222153(CaPaEBR)406015(MiAaPQ)EBC3261207(MiAaPQ)EBC3012143(VaAlCD)20.500.12592/gnf629(EXLCZ)99100000000075022719990610d1997 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe bottom line industry and the environment in South Africa /edited by Lael Bethlehem and Michael GoldblattCape Town University of Cape Town Press19971 online resource (240 p.)"Industrial Strategy Project"--Cover.0-88936-830-9 Includes bibliographical references.""Contents""; ""Acknowledgements""; ""Preface""; ""Foreword""; ""Acronyms and abbreviations""; ""Contributors""; ""Introduction: Issues and perspectives""; ""An environmental characterisation of the economy""; ""The challenge of sustainable development""; ""A sustainable development path for South African industry?""; ""How does this volume begin to answer these questions?""; ""Chapter 1 The legislative framework: Environmental law, investment and industrial practice""; ""Introduction""; ""The impact of the constitution on environmental law""""Environmental legislation regulating industrial projects""""Regulation of new industrial projects by environmental law""; ""Decision-making in a context of regulatory uncertainty""; ""The way forward""; ""Chapter 2 Cheap energy�at what cost? Externalities in South Africa's electricity sector""; ""Introduction""; ""Theoretical and methodological issues""; ""Externality valuation: The international experience""; ""Externalities in South Africa's fuel cycle""; ""Summary of results and limitations""; ""Implications for South Africa's development policy""; ""Conclusion""""Chapter 3 Catalysing change: International environmental pressures on South African exporters""""Introduction""; ""Sectoral experiences""; ""Understanding the trends""; ""The impact of international environmental pressures""; ""Management and policy implications""; ""Conclusion""; ""Chapter 4 Green trade restrictions? Some macroeconomic and environmental consequences""; ""Introduction""; ""The model and the base run""; ""The environmental block""; ""Simulations""; ""Conclusion""; ""Chapter 5 Registering pollution: The prospects for a pollution information system""; ""Introduction""""Pollution control: A new industrial sector""""The waste legacy and its costs""; ""The need for integrated pollution control""; ""The role of information in pollution control""; ""State of the nation: The Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism survey""; ""Pollution information systems""; ""International experience with pollution release inventories""; ""A pollution release inventory in South Africa?""; ""Conclusion""; ""Chapter 6 Small business management: A case study from the Western Cape automotive sector""; ""Introduction""; ""Small business development in South Africa""""The environmental management of SMME""""Case study: SMMEs in the automotive service sector""; ""Lessons for the environmental management of SMMEs""; ""Concluding remarks""; ""Chapter 7 Unions and environment: Life, health and the pursuit of employment""; ""Introduction""; ""The health, safety and environment continuum""; ""Looking back and looking forward""; ""Structures and policies: Are unions adequately equipped?""; ""Challenges for the future: Priority issues in health, safety and environment""; ""Conclusion""""Chapter 8 Lessons from Thor Chemicals: The links between health, safety and environmental protection""IndustriesSouth AfricaIndustriesEnvironmental aspectsSouth AfricaEnvironmental protectionSouth AfricaIndustriesIndustriesEnvironmental aspectsEnvironmental protection330.968Bethlehem Lael894957Goldblatt Michael894958Industrial Strategy Project.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910279586303321The bottom line1999644UNINA