03294 am 2200865 n 450 9910275047803321201712042-87854-797-7(CKB)4100000003667329(FrMaCLE)OB-psn-5923(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/57646(PPN)225781964(EXLCZ)99410000000366732920180314j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLa RDA et l'Occident (1949-1990) /Ulrich PfeilParis Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle20171 online resource (544 p.) 2-910212-15-7 La politique extérieure de la RDA fut caractérisée par sa dépendance à l'égard de l'Est et le défi représenté par l'Ouest. Dans ses efforts inlassables pour établir et développer des liens avec l'Occident, la France a toujours occupé une place de choix, qui est bien mise en lumière dans ce volume. The GDR’s foreign politics were characterized by its dependency to the East and the challenge the West represented. In its untiring efforts to establish and develop relations with the West, France always took up a particular place, well highlighted in this volume.RDA et l'Occident La RDA et l'Occident International RelationsPolitical ScienceRDApolitique extérieureFrankreichpolitique extérieureFrankreichRDAInternational RelationsPolitical ScienceRDApolitique extérieureFrankreichBadia Gilbert124700Bary Nicole1325529Cimaz Geneviève1325530Fontaine André131690Hausser Isabelle1296383Hoff Henning1325531Horstmeier Carel1325532Howarth Marianne1325533Jardin Pierre1325534Lammers Karl-Christian1325535Lemke Michael1325536Lill Johannes1325537Martens Stephan687907Ménudier Henri570771Nakath Detlef1325538Nies Suzanne1325539Ostermann Christian M1325540Pekelder Jacco1325541Pfeil Ulrich1293481Röseberg Dorothee1325542Sabrow Martin860998Schäfer Bernd1325543Steffen Gerber Therese1325544Stephan Gerd-Rüdiger1325545Sywottek Arnold1325546Thuret Marc1285950Tournadre Jean-François1293483Weinachter Michèle1237380Wettig Gerhard929307Wilkens Andreas887818Pfeil Ulrich1293481FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910275047803321La RDA et l'Occident (1949-1990)3036942UNINA04139 am 2201069 n 450 9910305146103321201809032-86580-256-610.4000/books.insep.1754(CKB)4100000007463777(FrMaCLE)OB-insep-1754(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/54962(PPN)234056126(EXLCZ)99410000000746377720190111j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierNutrition and Performance in Sport Science at the Tip of the Fork /Christophe HausswirthParis INSEP-Éditions20181 online resource (476 p.) 2-86580-229-9 How to recover properly with food? How to eat during a trip abroad or during a training course in altitude? What to do to preserve your bone health? How to conciliate the ramadan and the training? How to lose weight cleverly? What sugars? What proteins?... As regards nutrition, athletes and their coaches ask themselves a lot of questions, and each of them deserves a clear answer! This is the main objective of this book, which gathered the world's greatest specialists of sports nutrition in order to bring the eagerly expected answers... Indeed, when the competition is tighter than ever, empiricism is no longer enough: the victory, which always depends on minute subtleties, requires rational choices, especially regarding food. And if sports victory is a legitimate aim, it should not be pursued at the expense of health: even today, athletes still put it at stake. Thereby, this is the second objective of this book: learning how to conciliate performance and body respect...Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourismsportrecherchesanténutritionalimentationperformanceméthodehaut niveauéquilibrebalanceresearchhealthnutritionperformancebalancehealthsportresearchHospitality Leisure Sport & Tourismsportrecherchesanténutritionalimentationperformanceméthodehaut niveauéquilibrebalanceresearchhealthBaker Lindsay1300407Bigard Xavier1300408Boisseau Nathalie1300409Burke Louise M1300410Cox Gregory R1300411Durand Fabienne1300412Fosse Amélie1300413Guezennec Charles-Yannick1300414Hausswirth Christophe1300415Hawley John A175947Hercberg Serge1299677Heulin Axel1300416Jeukendrup Asker1300417Lenôtre École1300418Le Meur Yann1300419Louis Julien1300420Macnaughton Lindsay S1300421Malgoyre Alexandra1300422Maughan RJ1300423Meeusen Romain1300424Meur Yann Le1300425Mujika Iñigo1300426Nieman David C1300427Roelands Bart1300428Rousseau Véronique1300429Shirreffs Susan M1300430Tiollier Eve1300431Tipton Kevin D1300432Vincenzi Jean-Pierre de1300433Hausswirth Christophe1300415FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910305146103321Nutrition and Performance in Sport3025538UNINA