03720oam 22005774a 450 991027235090332120230918145929.03-944773-19-510.12946/gplh10(CKB)4100000004240077(OAPEN)1004836(OCoLC)1036985019(MdBmJHUP)muse84200(WaSeSS)IndRDA00125766(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/39659(EXLCZ)99410000000424007720181107d2017 uy 0enguuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe World of RulesA Somewhat Different Measurement of the World /Gunnar Folke Schuppert ; translated form the German original by Rhodes BarretFrankfurt am MainMax Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory2017Frankfurt am Main :Max Planck Institute for European History,2017.©2017.1 online resource (378 pages)Global Perspectives on Legal History,2196-9752 ;10.3-944773-09-8 Notes bibliogr.Preface --Measuring the universe of regulation : necessity and procedure --The plurality of normative orders : an exploration --From plurality of normative orders to plurality of norm producers --From the plurality of normative orders to the plurality of norm enforcement regimes : jurisdictional communities and their specific jurisdictional cultures --In search of the "right" concept of law --Summary and outlook."This book takes a stand against the narrowing focus of (German) jurisprudence on state law, rooted in the history of the territorially organised nation state. In the shadow of this tradition, state(-hood) law was only conceived of as state law. However, a gradual decoupling of state and law is observable – not least because of globalisation – which inevitably entails a pluralisation of legal regulations. Jurisprudence has to react to this, if it wants to remain relevant. This can happen through a broadening of its horizon towards a more far-reaching “science of regulation”, in order to grasp the increasing “Variety of Rules” adequately. State law remains an important and central type of law, yet it is no longer the sole type. If that is the case, it becomes necessary to analyse the following three spheres: (1) the plurality of normative orders, especially those of non-state character; (2) the plurality of norm producers, from state legislature to transnational networks of regulation; (3) finally, the plurality of norm enforcement regimes, from states’ judiciaries via the judiciary of (international) sport to the exercise of social pressure (e. g. political correctness). Those findings of plurality inevitably lead to the follow-up problem of a redefinition of the concept of law and to the question, which types of law/norms can be identified meaningfully."Global perspectives on legal history ;10.World historyLawHistoryrethinking the concept of lawvariety of law producersplurality of norm-enforcement regimesnormative pluralismDecoupling of state and lawWorld history.LawHistory.340.1Schuppert Gunnar Folke556108Barrett RhodestrlMdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910272350903321The world of rules2018158UNINA