02164 am 22004813u 450 991027234860332120210107213406.02-503-56214-0(CKB)3800000000020862(OAPEN)650536(MiAaPQ)EBC5123187(PPN)189507608(Au-PeEL)EBL5123187(CaPaEBR)ebr11464404(OCoLC)1011216234(EXLCZ)99380000000002086220180808d|||| uy enguuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierExpulsion and Diaspora Formation1st ed.TurnhoutBrepols20151 online resource (244) Religion and law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies ;v.52-503-55525-X The eleven essays brought together in this volume explore the relations between expulsion, diaspora, and exile between Late Antiquity and the seventeenth century. The essays range from Hellenistic Egypt to seventeenth-century Hungary and involve expulsion and migration of Jews, Muslims and Protestants. The common goal of these essays is to shed light on a certain number of issues: first, to try to understand the dynamics of expulsion, in particular its social and political causes; second, to examine how expelled communities integrate (or not) into their new host societies; and finally, to understand how the experiences of expulsion and exile are made into founding myths that establish (or attempt to establish) group identities.Religion and law in Medieval Christian and Muslim SocietiesReligion and Law in Medieval Christian and Muslim Societies vol. 5Expulsion and Diaspora FormationHistorybicsscReligion: generalbicsscElectronic books.HistoryReligion: general940MiAaPQBOOK9910272348603321Expulsion and Diaspora Formation2248542UNINA