02157oam 2200373z- 450 991027093550332120100511082745.01-119-46686-5(CKB)4100000000641157(EXLCZ)99410000000064115720200616c2009uuuu -u- -engMeeting the challenge of translational research in child psychology /edited by Dante Cicchetti, Megan R. GunnarJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc0-470-34513-6 Meeting the challenge of translational research in child development : opportunities and roadblocks / Megan R. Gunnar and Dante Cicchetti -- Roots of social cognition : the like-me framework / Andrew N. Meltzoff -- Lessons learned from autism : an information-processing model of joint attention and social-cognition / Peter Mundy -- Enhancing self-regulation in school and clinic / Mary K. Rothbart ... [et al.] -- Learning is not a four-letter word : changing views of infant language acquisition / Jenny R. Saffran -- The emergence of emotion : experience, development, and biology / Seth D. Pollak -- What are little boys made of? Snips and snails and puppy dog tails : etiological bases of conduct disorder and related conduct problems / Elena L. Grigorenko -- Translational issues in the development and prevention of children's early conduct problems : challenges in transitioning from basic to intervention research / Daniel S. Shaw.Minnesota Symposia on Child PsychologyChild psychologyCongressesChild DevelopmentCongressesChild PsychologyCongressesChild Development Disorders, PervasiveCongressesChildChild psychologyChild DevelopmentChild PsychologyChild Development Disorders, PervasiveChild.155.4Cicchetti Dante184562Gunnar Megan R1198334BOOK9910270935503321Meeting the challenge of translational research in child psychology2875033UNINA