04418 am 22006493u 450 991026795250332120230809223156.01-4473-2425-01-4473-3519-8(CKB)3710000001101131(StDuBDS)EDZ0001721383(MiAaPQ)EBC4983231(OCoLC)978938877(ScCtBLL)9ec64c6b-b5fb-4d25-abc3-1577d4769e5d(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/37293(EXLCZ)99371000000110113120171010h20172017 uy 0engur|||||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierDesigning prostitution policy intention and reality in regulating the sex trade /Hendrik Wagenaar, Helga Amesberger and Sietske AltinkBristol, UKPolicy Press2017Bristol, England ;Chicago, Illinois :Policy Press,2017.©20171 online resource (305 pages) digital file(s)Previously issued in print: 2017.Print version (hardback): 9781447324249 1447324250 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction -- Dora's story -- The primacy of policy in prostitution -- The goals of the book -- A reader's guide to the book -- Challenges of prostitution policy -- The stigma of prostitution and the paradox of control -- Prostitution politics as morality politics -- Paradoxes of immigration -- Obstacles to obtaining reliable numbers about prostitution and sex workers -- The ineluctable importance of the local in prostitution policy -- Analysing prostitution policy -- The local governance of prostitution: regulatory drift and implementation capture -- Policy implementation as policy formulation with different means -- Policy design and policy instruments -- Local policymaking in the Netherlands -- Local policymaking in Vienna -- Conclusion: policy implementation, morality politics and the corrosive effects of discourse -- The national governance of prostitution: political rationality and the politics of discourse -- Introduction: policy subsystems and policy streams -- National policy in the Netherlands -- National policy in Austria -- Conclusion: Designing prostitution policy -- Understanding the policy field: migration, prostitution, trafficking and exploitation -- Introduction: prostitution as a complex policy field -- Migration, prostitution and coercion -- How immigration and labour law shape the 'modern slavery' problem -- Prostitution and exploitation -- Prostitution, trafficking and exploitation: an alternative framework -- Prostitution policy beyond trafficking: collaborative governance in prostitution -- The challenges of prostitution policy revisited: harnessing a complex policy field Introducing collaborative rationality in prostitution governance -- Sex worker advocacy and the state -- Governance capacity and collaborative governance -- Is collaborative governance in prostitution policy possible? -- Summary and conclusion.Most discussions about approaches to regulating prostitution occur at the national level-battles, for example, between prohibition and legalization. In reality, however, the impact of prostitution is felt most keenly at the local level, and it is local measures that can have the greatest effect. This book explores various approaches to regulating prostitution and other sex work at the local level, analyzing their aims and outcomes and offering guidance on designing effective regulations through available policy instruments.ProstitutionGovernment policyProstitutionSocial aspectsSociologyAustriaBrothelNetherlandsProstitutionPublic policySex industrySex workerViennaProstitutionGovernment policy.ProstitutionSocial aspects.364.1534Wagenaar H.902832Amesberger HelgaAltink SietskeMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQUkMaJRUBOOK9910267952503321Designing prostitution policy2018208UNINA