01901nam 2200589z- 450 991037278630332120231214133525.03-03928-057-0(CKB)4100000010163763(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/51784(EXLCZ)99410000001016376320202102d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLiquid Crystal Optical DeviceMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (98 p.)3-03928-056-2 The Special Issue “Liquid Crystal Optical Devices” discusses recent developments in the rapidly advancing subject of liquid crystals (LCs).liquid crystal lensesoptical phased arraysgold nanoparticlesadaptive-focus lensesdielectric anisotropyliquid-crystal waveguidesvolume gratingsbeam steeringMueller matricesnematicoptical fiber deviceliquid crystalsoptoelectronicspolarization-selective devicestapered optical fiberwaveguidesfast response timePancharatnam?Berry phaseoptical modulationdepolarizationliquid crystaloptical switching devicesdual frequency nematicphase modulationBennis Noureddineauth1301461Jaroszewicz Leszek RauthBOOK9910372786303321Liquid Crystal Optical Device3025876UNINA04030nam 2200649Ia 450 991026523050332120240514074131.01-118-27578-01-4051-7727-61-4443-2363-61-282-54828-X1-118-27579-91-4051-9724-21-78034-161-X1-4443-2364-497866125482841-118-27580-2(CKB)3710000000496288(EBL)4033631(MiAaPQ)EBC4033631(MiAaPQ)EBC822485(MiAaPQ)EBC514455(Au-PeEL)EBL514455(OCoLC)609862999(PPN)18342395X(EXLCZ)99371000000049628820091016d2010 uy 0engur|n|---|||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierA companion to World War I /edited by John Horne1st ed.Chichester, West Sussex, UK ;Malden, MA Wiley-Blackwell20101 online resource (912 p.)Blackwell companions to world historyDescription based upon print version of record.1-4051-2386-9 1-119-96870-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Intro -- A COMPANION TO WORLD WAR I -- Contents -- List of Maps -- Notes on Contributors -- Editor's Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- PART I ORIGINS -- 1 The War Imagined: 1890-1914 -- 2 The War Explained: 1914 to the Present -- PART II THE MILITARY CONFLICT -- 3 The War Experienced: Command, Strategy, and Tactics, 1914-18 -- 4 War in the West, 1914-16 -- 5 War in the East and Balkans, 1914-18 -- 6 The Italian Front, 1915-18 -- 7 The Turkish War, 1914-18 -- 8 The War in Africa -- 9 War in the West, 1917-18 -- 10 The War at Sea -- 11 The War in the Air -- PART III FACES OF WAR -- 12 Combat -- 13 Combatants and Noncombatants: Atrocities, Massacres, and War Crimes -- 14 War Aims and Neutrality -- 15 Industrial Mobilization and War Economies -- 16 Faith, Ideologies, and the "Cultures of War" -- 17 Demography -- 18 Women and Men -- 19 Public Opinion and Politics -- 20 Military Medicine -- 21 Science and Technology -- 22 Intellectuals and Writers -- 23 The Visual Arts -- 24 Film and the War -- PART IV STATES, NATIONS, AND EMPIRES -- 25 Austria-Hungary and "Yugoslavia" -- 26 Belgium -- 27 Britain and Ireland -- 28 France -- 29 Germany -- 30 German-Occupied Eastern Europe -- 31 Italy -- 32 Russia -- 33 The Ottoman Empire -- 34 The United States -- 35 The French and British Empires -- PART V LEGACIES -- 36 The Peace Settlement, 1919-39 -- 37 War after the War: Conflicts, 1919-23 -- 38 Mourning and Memory, 1919-45 -- Select Primary Sources -- Extended Bibliography -- Index.A Companion to the First World War brings together an international team of distinguished historians who provide a series of original and thought-provoking essays on one of the most devastating events in modern history.Comprises 38 essays by leading scholars who analyze the current state of historical scholarship on the First World War Provides extensive coverage spanning the pre-war period, the military conflict, social, economic, political, and cultural developments, and the war's legacy Offers original perspectives on themes as diverse as strategy and tactics, war crimes, science and technology, and the arts Selected as a 2011 Outstanding Academic Title by CHOICE.Blackwell companions to world history.World War, 1914-1918World War, 1914-1918Social aspectsWorld War, 1914-1918.World War, 1914-1918Social aspects.940.3Horne John1949-965214MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910265230503321A companion to World War I2189833UNINA