03857oam 22008774a 450 991026384390332120230621140505.01-5261-4811-01-5261-0755-4(CKB)4100000002743994(OAPEN)645361(OCoLC)1112364603(MdBmJHUP)muse73576(ScCtBLL)5bf393fc-91f8-4628-b1e8-c5905030d6de(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/29053(MiAaPQ)EBC30291760(Au-PeEL)EBL30291760(OCoLC)1022625501(DE-B1597)659651(DE-B1597)9781526107558(EXLCZ)99410000000274399420190816e20192018 uy 0enguuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGothic incestGender, sexuality and transgression /Jenny Diplacidi1st ed.ManchesterManchester University Press2018Baltimore, Maryland :Project Muse,2019©20191 online resource (viii, 304 pages)1-5261-3545-0 1-78499-306-9 Includes bibliographical references (pages 283-299) and index.Introduction : disrupting the critical genealogy of the Gothic -- 'Unimaginable sensations' : father- daughter incest and the economics of exchange -- 'My more than sister' : re- examining paradigms of sibling incest -- Uncles and nieces : thefts, violence and sexual threats -- More than just kissing : cousins and the changing status of family -- Queer mothers : female sexual agency and male victims -- Coda : incest and beyond.The first full-length study of incest in the Gothic genre, this book argues that Gothic writers resisted the power structures of their society through incestuous desires. It provides interdisciplinary readings of incest within father-daughter, sibling, mother-son, cousin and uncle-niece relationships in texts by authors including Emily Brontë, Eliza Parsons, Ann Radcliffe and Eleanor Sleath. The analyses, underpinned by historical, literary and cultural contexts, reveal that the incest thematic allowed writers to explore a range of related sexual, social and legal concerns. Through representations of incest, Gothic writers modelled alternative agencies, sexualities and family structures that remain relevant today.Incest in literatureEnglish literature19th centuryHistory and criticismEnglish literature18th centuryHistory and criticismGothic fiction (Literary genre), EnglishHistory and criticismElectronic books. LiteraturegendersexualityGothic literatureincestincestuous desireEmily BrontëEliza ParsonsAnn RadcliffeEleanor SleathsexualitiesGothic writerseighteenth centuryRomanticGothic studiesgothic traditionGender Studiesnineteenth centuryConsanguinityKinshipPatriarchyIncest in literature.English literatureHistory and criticism.English literatureHistory and criticism.Gothic fiction (Literary genre), EnglishHistory and criticism.809.3/8729DiPlacidi Jenny881969MdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910263843903321Gothic incest1970142UNINA