04239nam 2200637 a 450 991045844250332120200520144314.01-281-45773-6978661145773090-474-1133-110.1163/ej.9789004154599.i-266(CKB)1000000000400550(EBL)467702(OCoLC)320326283(SSID)ssj0000235017(PQKBManifestationID)11203276(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000235017(PQKBWorkID)10243139(PQKB)11626876(MiAaPQ)EBC467702(nllekb)BRILL9789047411338(PPN)174397860(Au-PeEL)EBL467702(CaPaEBR)ebr10234982(CaONFJC)MIL145773(EXLCZ)99100000000040055020061208d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe regulation of gambling[electronic resource] European and national perspectives /edited by Alan Littler and Cyrille FijnautLeiden ;Boston Martinus Nijhoffc20071 online resource (282 p.)Nijhoff eBook titles 2007"This book is the final result of a colloquium ... that took place on 23 November 2005 at the Faculty of Law, Tilburg University, the Netherlands"--Pref.90-04-15459-0 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preliminary Material /Ustinia Dolgopol and Judith Gardam --Introduction – a View from the outside /Pierre Larouche --Gambling Policy – the Eu Dilemma /Peter Kerstens --Has the Ecj’s Jurisprudence in the Field of Gambling Become More Restrictive When Applying the Proportionality Principle? /Alan Littler --A View of European Gambling Regulation from the Perspective of Private Operators /Martin Arendts --State Licensed Lotteries and Toto Companies in the Legal and Political Debate in the European Union /Tjeerd Veenstra --Dutch Gambling Law and Policy: an Untenable Parochial Approach /Nick Huls --A British View of European Gambling Regulation /David Miers --French and Belgian Views of the European Gambling Regulation /Thibault Verbiest --Closing Remarks /Sofie Geeroms --Appendix Case. Law of the European Court of Justice /Ustinia Dolgopol and Judith Gardam --About the Authors /Ustinia Dolgopol and Judith Gardam --Index /Ustinia Dolgopol and Judith Gardam.In November 2005 Tilburg University hosted for the first time an international Colloquium on the European and National Perspectives of the Regulation of Gambling . The results of this exciting day are reflected in this book which brings together a wide range of perspectives from the contemporary debate surrounding the regulation of gambling markets within the context of the European Union. Not only does the book encompass both ends of the spectrum of the current discussion; it also brings together the perspectives of academics, lawyers and operators. The debate on the regulation of gambling has been gathering pace following a series of judgments of the ECJ. In 2006 gambling was excluded from the proposed Services Directive, and the European Commission commenced infringement proceedings against a handful of Member States regarding restrictions on the supply of sports betting services. Given these developments and being one of the very few publications concerned with this topic, this book will serve as a timely and valuable contribution for all those interested in this emerging and at times decisive debate.GamblingGovernment policyEuropean Union countriesGamblingLaw and legislationEuropean Union countriesElectronic books.GamblingGovernment policyGamblingLaw and legislation795.094Littler Alan858080Fijnaut Cyrille1946-235069MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910458442503321The regulation of gambling1961451UNINA02927oam 2200553 450 991013200680332120230617034500.088-8453-254-X(CKB)3400000000018673(MH)009712673-X(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/56730(EXLCZ)99340000000001867320050628h20052005 uy 0itaur||#||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierPoteri signorili e feudali nelle campagne dell'Italia settentrionale fra Tre e Quattrocento fondamenti di legittimità e forme di esercizio: atti del Convegno di studi, Milano, 11-12 aprile 2003 /a cura di Federica Cengarle, Giorgio Chittolini, Gian Maria VaraniniFirenze University Press2005Firenze :Firenze University Press,2005.©20051 online resource (263 pages) illustrations; digital file(s)Quaderni di Reti medievali rivista ;1Print version (paperback): 8884532558 Includes bibliographical references.This volume contains the proceedings of the study convention held in Milan on 11 and 12 April 2003. The objective of these study days was to address the question of the powers of lordship which were exercised in the countryside of central-northern Italy between the mid fourteenth century and the end of the fifteenth century. The discussions focused on what instruments and what foundations of legitimacy these same powers had and what was their relationship with the authority of the prince and with the ordinary citizen, on the one hand, and with the community and the homines on the other. These and various other issues thrown up by the study of feudal power are the topics which emerge in the various contributions gathered in this volume, devoted principally to the Lombardy of the Visconti and the Sforza, but also to other areas of Italy.FeudalesimoItalia centro-settentrionaleSec. 14.-15. -Congressi2005Italy, NorthernHistoryCongressesItaly, NorthernRural conditionsCongressesComuni medievaliOpen AccessStoriaSignorieMedioevoItaliaFeudalesimoItalia centro-settentrionaleSec. 14.-15. -Congressi2005945.05Federica Cengarleauth1362153Cengarle Federica1972-,Chittolini GiorgioVaranini Gian MariaItFiCItFiCUkMaJRUBOOK9910132006803321Poteri signorili e feudali nelle campagne dell'Italia settentrionale fra Tre e Quattrocento3381031UNINA03790nam 2200661 450 991026109490332120230903070810.03-486-70520-210.1524/9783486705201(CKB)2560000000312917(NyNyMAR)har110000241(MH)012845383-4(SSID)ssj0000754682(PQKBManifestationID)12324921(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000754682(PQKBWorkID)10726512(PQKB)10967567(DE-B1597)216805(OCoLC)979834105(DE-B1597)9783486705201(MiAaPQ)EBC4749505(Au-PeEL)EBL4749505(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/59750(EXLCZ)99256000000031291720230903d2011 uy 0gerur|||||||||||txtccrSowjetische Deutschland-Politik 1953 Bis 1958 Korrekturen an Stalins Erbe, Chruschtschows Aufstieg und der Weg Zum Berlin-Ultimatum /Gerhard WettigFirst edition.München :Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH,[2011]©20111 online resource (vii, 190 pages )Quellen und Darstellungen Zur Zeitgeschichte ;Volume 82Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph3-486-59806-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front Matter -- 1. Kursänderungen der Deutschland-Politik 1953/54 -- 2. Politische Weichenstellungen 1955-1957 -- 3. Bemühungen um die Öffentlichkeit und die Opposition in der Bundesrepublik -- 4. Entwicklungen der Berlin-Politik bis November 1958 -- Back MatterFür Stalin und seine Nachfolger war die deutsche Frage der Angelpunkt ihrer Politik gegenüber dem Westen. Ihnen war klar: Von der Festigkeit der Bundesrepublik hing auch die Verteidigungsfähigkeit der westlichen Allianz in Europa ab. Ihr Versuch, Bonn mit Wiedervereinigungsparolen zu ködern, wurde aber schon 1953 aufgegeben; die Risiken für das SED-Regime waren zu groß. Danach setzte der Kreml auf die Stabilisierung der DDR und auf Ulbricht, der im zweiten deutschen Staat zur dominierenden Figur aufstieg. Erst der Übergang zur Nuklearstrategie auf dem europäischen Schauplatz und die Ängste vor einer "Nuklearbewaffnung der Bundeswehr", die sich damit schüren ließen, eröffneten Moskau neue Möglichkeiten, die Westdeutschen gegen die NATO zu mobilisieren. Als der Erfolg ausblieb, weil namentlich die SPD gegenüber den sowjetischen Sirenengesängen taub blieb, änderte Chruschtschow die Strategie. Der Kremlchef nahm nun den isolierten Außenposten des westlichen Bündnisses ins Visier: West-Berlin, das sich 1958 mit einem Ultimatum konfrontiert und in eine existenzielle Krise gestürzt sah.Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte ;Volume 82.International relationsSoviet UnionRelationsGermanyGermanyPolitics and government1945-1990GermanyRelationsSoviet UnionInternational relations.327NK 4700rvkWettig Gerhard929307MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910261094903321Sowjetische Deutschland-Politik 1953 bis 19582238954UNINAThis Record contains information from the Harvard Library Bibliographic Dataset, which is provided by the Harvard Library under its Bibliographic Dataset Use Terms and includes data made available by, among others the Library of Congress