01302nas 2200373 450 991025144890332120171108102543.0(CKB)3800000000395537(OCoLC)1010783653(EXLCZ)99380000000039553720171108b20072009 ua engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierNational compensation surveyPrivate industryGrafton County, NHWashington, DC :U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,2007-2009.1 online resource (3 volumes)Grafton County, NH, national compensation survey, private industryWagesNew HampshireGrafton CountyStatisticsPeriodicalsWage surveysNew HampshireGrafton CountyPeriodicalsPrivate companiesNew HampshireGrafton CountyStatisticsPeriodicalsStatistics.lcgftWagesWage surveysPrivate companiesUnited States.Bureau of Labor Statistics,GPOGPOJOURNAL9910251448903321National compensation survey1995917UNINA02686 am 2200601 n 450 991049104920332120240104030731.088-7885-870-688-7885-868-410.4000/books.res.7213(CKB)5590000000461023(FrMaCLE)OB-res-7213(PPN)255906471(EXLCZ)99559000000046102320210525j|||||||| ||| 0itauu||||||m||||FemminismoDeborah CameronTorinoRosenberg & Sellier20211 online resource (112 p.) 88-7885-867-6 Come definire il femminismo, cos’è questo movimento? Non sarebbe preferibile usare il plurale, “femminismi”? E quanto ha coinvolto le donne e appartiene alla conoscenza diffusa? Come ricorda Barbara Mapelli nella sua prefazione, sono questi alcuni degli interrogativi sempre attuali con cui si confronta questo denso volume, coraggioso e generoso, che con un linguaggio piano e comprensibile discute di oppressione, sessualità e femminilità, violenza, teorie accademiche, cultura e attivismo, diritti e lavoro. In un’era di #metoo, sperequazioni retributive e molestie on line, è impossibile negare che la diseguaglianza di genere rappresenti una realtà di fatto della nostra cultura. E finché ciò resterà vero, avremo bisogno di studiare, capire e fare i conti con le idee e la storia del Movimento femminista. Che – come ricostruisce efficacemente l’autrice – non inizia con un evento specifico e in un momento particolare, non può essere identificato con una particolare organizzazione o movimento politico, e non è definito dalle riflessioni di qualche grande pensatrice o pensatore, ma rappresenta uno dei movimenti intellettuali e politici più importanti della storia.Social IssuesFemminismoFemminilità#metooMovimento femministadirittilavoroFeminismFemininityFeminist movementrightsworkSocial IssuesFemminismoFemminilità#metooMovimento femministadirittilavoroFeminismFemininityFeminist movementrightsworkCameron Deborah251765Mapelli Barbara40300FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910491049203321Femminismo3656846UNINA03850nam 22006255 450 991079343120332120220104120049.00-300-24527-010.12987/9780300245271(CKB)4100000008095460(MiAaPQ)EBC5761222(DE-B1597)530516(OCoLC)1099434816(DE-B1597)9780300245271(EXLCZ)99410000000809546020200406h20192019 fg engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe European Seaborne Empires From the Thirty Years' War to the Age of Revolutions /Gabriel PaquetteNew Haven, CT :Yale University Press,[2019]©20191 online resource (307 pages)0-300-20515-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter --Contents --Acknowledgments --Introduction --1. Definitions of "Empire" and Approaches to the Study of Its History --2. Western Europe in a World of Empires --3. The First Seaborne Empires: Portugal, Spain, and the Wider World before 1600 --4. The Challenge to Iberian Dominance: The Rise of Britain, France, and the Dutch Republic as Competitor Imperial States after 1600 --5. Consolidation, Conflict, and Reform in the Long Eighteenth Century --6. Law, Governance, and Institutional Frameworks --7. The Political Economy of Empire and Its Consequences --8. Imperial Migrations: Coerced, Forced, and "Free" --9. Labor Regimes --10. Creole Societies, Mestizaje, and the Regulation of Hybridity --11. Collaboration, Resistance, and the Fortunes of Empire --12. The Age of Revolutions --Epilogue: Continuities and Disjunctures --Notes --Bibliography --IndexAn accessible survey of the history of European overseas empires in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries based on new scholarship In this thematic survey, Gabriel Paquette focuses on the evolution of the Spanish, Portuguese, English, French, and Dutch overseas empires in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He draws on recent advances in the field to examine their development, from efficacious forms of governance to coercive violence. Beginning with a narrative overview of imperial expansion that incorporates recent critiques of older scholarly approaches, Paquette then analyzes the significance of these empires, including their political, economic, and social consequences and legacies. He makes the multifaceted history of Europe's globe-spanning empires in this crucial period accessible to new readers.Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648CampaignsEuropeColoniesHistoryEuropeTerritorial expansionEuropePolitics and government17th centuryEuropePolitics and government18th centuryEuropeColoniesHistoireEuropeExpansion territorialeEuropePolitique et gouvernement17e siècleEuropePolitique et gouvernement18e siècleEuropeColoniescctEuropeTerritorial expansioncctEuropePolitics and government17th centurycctEuropePolitics and government18th centurycctEuropefastEuropagndThirty Years' War, 1618-1648Campaigns.940.244K503clcK504clcPaquette Gabrielauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut766859DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910793431203321The European Seaborne Empires3683364UNINA