02699oam 22005054a 450 991025139610332120240201194603.01-947447-37-810.21983/P3.0190.1.00(CKB)4100000001587808(OAPEN)1004656(OCoLC)1048121773(MdBmJHUP)muse77032(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/37191(EXLCZ)99410000000158780820171113d2017 uy 0engurmu#---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Passenger: Medieval Texts and TransitsJames L. Smith ; [edited by] James L. Smith1st edition.Brooklyn, NYpunctum books2017Santa Barbara, CA :Punctum Books,2017.©2017.1 online resource (133 pages) illustrations; PDF, digital file(s)9781947447363 Includes bibliographical references.What strange transactions take place in the mobile spaces between loci? How does the flow of forces between fixed points enliven texts, suggest new connections, and map out the dizzying motion of myriad interactions? The essays in this volume were first presented at the 2014 New Chaucer Society Congress in Reykjavik, Iceland where a meeting of minds in a shared intermediate space initiated dialogue from diverse perspectives and wended its way through the invisible spaces between concrete categories, objects, and entities. The resulting volume asks a core question: what can we learn by tarrying at the nexus points and hubs through which things move in and out of texts, attempting to trace not the things themselves or their supposedly stable significations, but rather their forms of emergence and retreat, of disorder and disequilibrium? The answer is complex and intermediate, for we ourselves are emerging and retreating within our own systems of transit and experiencing our own disequilibrium. Scholarship, like transit, is never complete and yet never congeals into inertia.Literary studies: classical, early & medievalbicsscliterary studiesmedieval literatureChaucernetwork theorysociologyLiterary studies: classical, early & medievalSmith James L191582Smith James LothMdBmJHUPMdBmJHUPBOOK9910251396103321The Passenger: Medieval Texts and Transits2428487UNINA