03396nas 2200745- 450 991022919520332120230110154332.0(OCoLC)212908865(CKB)1000000000366407(CONSER)--2020256913(EXLCZ)99100000000036640720080306c2004uuuu --- -engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierStudies in international financial, economic, and technology lawLondon :Published and distributed by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law,2005-1 online resource"Addresses selective legal, financial and economic issues in the area of international financial law, covering both public and private law dimensions and encompassing national, regional and international perspectives. Each year the volume will center around a coherent topic"--Editorial and submission policies.1748-2763 Studies series in international financial, economic, and technology lawSTUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL, FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC & TECHNOLOGY LAWYEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL, FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC LAW SEEFinancial services industryLaw and legislationPeriodicalsInternational financeLaw and legislationPeriodicalsForeign trade regulationPeriodicalsSecuritiesPeriodicalsTechnology and lawPeriodicalsFinances internationalesDroitPériodiquesServices financiersDroitPériodiquesValeurs mobilièresPériodiquesTechnologie et droitPériodiquesCommerce internationalRéglementationPériodiquesFinancial services industryLaw and legislationfast(OCoLC)fst00924762Foreign trade regulationfast(OCoLC)fst00931923International financeLaw and legislationfast(OCoLC)fst00976955Securitiesfast(OCoLC)fst01110743Technology and lawfast(OCoLC)fst01145264Periodicals.fastLawFinancial services industryLaw and legislationInternational financeLaw and legislationForeign trade regulationSecuritiesTechnology and lawFinances internationalesDroitServices financiersDroitValeurs mobilièresTechnologie et droitCommerce internationalRéglementationFinancial services industryLaw and legislation.Foreign trade regulation.International financeLaw and legislation.Securities.Technology and law.Dedman School of Law,British Institute of International and Comparative Law,London Institute of International Banking, Finance, and Development Law,Queen Mary College (University of London).Centre for Commercial Law Studies,JOURNAL9910229195203321Studies in international financial, economic, and technology law1983461UNINA04327nam 2200769 a 450 991079144050332120200520144314.01-282-96474-797866129647491-4008-3761-810.1515/9781400837618(CKB)2560000000051750(EBL)664558(OCoLC)707067719(SSID)ssj0000986447(PQKBManifestationID)11527751(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000986447(PQKBWorkID)10933862(PQKB)10966013(OCoLC)708253719(MdBmJHUP)muse36862(WaSeSS)Ind00071754(DE-B1597)446837(OCoLC)1054880228(OCoLC)979623962(OCoLC)992541688(DE-B1597)9781400837618(Au-PeEL)EBL664558(CaPaEBR)ebr10443117(CaONFJC)MIL296474(MiAaPQ)EBC664558(EXLCZ)99256000000005175020051110d2006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrWhy we vote[electronic resource] how schools and communities shape our civic life /David E. CampbellCourse BookPrinceton, NJ Princeton University Press20061 online resource (284 p.)Princeton Studies in American Politics: Historical, International, and Comparative Perspectives ;1192nd printing and 1st paperback printing, 2008.0-691-12525-2 0-691-13829-X Includes bibliographical references (p. [243]-259) and index.Voting alone -- Putting Madison and Tocqueville to the test : the dual motivations theory of public engagement -- Further implications of the dual motivations theory -- Social networks -- Social environments and adolescents' public engagement -- The links between adolescents' and adults' public engagement -- Adolescents' social environments and adults' public engagements : the civic motivation model -- Conclusion : implications for theory and policy.Why do more people vote--or get involved in other civic and political activities--in some communities than in others? Why We Vote demonstrates that our communities shape our civic and political engagement, and that schools are especially significant communities for fostering strong civic norms. Much of the research on political participation has found that levels of participation are higher in diverse communities where issues important to voters are hotly contested. In this well-argued book, David Campbell finds support for this view, but also shows that homogenous communities often have very high levels of civic participation despite a lack of political conflict. Campbell maintains that this sense of civic duty springs not only from one's current social environment, but also from one's early influences. The degree to which people feel a sense of civic obligation stems, in part, from their adolescent experience. Being raised and thus socialized in a community with strong civic norms leads people to be civically engaged in adulthood. Campbell demonstrates how the civic norms within one's high school impact individuals' civic involvement--even a decade and a half after those individuals have graduated. Efforts within America's high schools to enhance young people's sense of civic responsibility could have a participatory payoff in years to come, the book concludes; thus schools would do well to focus more attention on building civic norms among their students.Princeton Studies in American Politics: Historical, International, and Comparative PerspectivesPolitical participationCommunity developmentSocial exchangeVoluntarismPolitical participation.Community development.Social exchange.Voluntarism.323/.042Campbell David E.1971-1512338MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910791440503321Why we vote3844226UNINA