01387nam0-2200349 --450 991022815770332120211126130109.0978-88-498-3484-020171123d2012----kmuy0itay5050 baitaspaITa ac001yyCerimoniale del viceregno spagnolo e austriaco di Napoli, 1650-1717a cura di Attilio Antonelli[cura redazionale di Valeria Amitrano e Stefano Moscatelli]Soveria MannelliRubbettino2012619 p.ill.30 cm<< I >>cerimoniali della corte di Napoli1In testa al frontespizio: Soprintendenza per i Beni Architettonici, Paesaggistici, Storici, Artistici ed Etnoantropologici per Napoli e Provincia395.3945.731Antonelli,AttilioMoscatelli,Stefano<1961->Amitrano,ValeriaItalia.Soprintendenza per i beni architettonici, paesaggistici, storici, artistici ed etnoantropologici per Napoli e provinciaITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910228157703321SEZ.NA C 13043018/2017FARBC945.731 CCN 1BIBL. 2017FLFBCFARBCFLFBCCerimoniale del viceregno spagnolo e austriaco di Napoli, 1650-17171494127UNINA04944nam 2200673 a 450 991078143440332120230421050638.01-60086-649-21-60086-430-9(CKB)2550000000072625(EBL)3111488(SSID)ssj0000802150(PQKBManifestationID)11460327(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000802150(PQKBWorkID)10794485(PQKB)10437926(MiAaPQ)EBC3111488(Au-PeEL)EBL3111488(CaPaEBR)ebr10516581(OCoLC)922978879(EXLCZ)99255000000007262520000313d1998 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrSome engineering applications in random vibrations and random structures[electronic resource] /Giora MaymonReston, Va. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.c19981 online resource (263 p.)Progress in astronautics and aeronautics ;v. 178Description based upon print version of record.1-56347-258-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.""Cover""; ""Title""; ""Copyright""; ""Foreword""; ""Table of Contents""; ""Preface""; ""Chapter 1 Deterministic Single-Degree-of-Freedom System""; ""I. SDOF System Subjected to External Harmonic Excitation""; ""II. SDOF System Subjected to Base Excitation""; ""III. Response of an SDOF System to General Force""; ""IV. Stresses in an SDOF System""; ""V. Summary""; ""Chapter 2 Deterministic Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom System""; ""I. Differential Equations and Normal Modes of an MDOF System""; ""II. Generalized Masses, Dampings, Rigidities, and Forces""; ""III. Uncoupled Differential Equations""""IV. Summary""""Chapter 3 Deterministic Continuous System""; ""I. Introduction""; ""II. Differential Equations of Continuous System""; ""III. Base Excitation""; ""IV. Stress Response""; ""V. Summary""; ""Chapter 4 Random Functions and Excitation""; ""I. Basic Concepts of Random Functions""; ""II. Practical Characterization of Random Excitation""; ""III. Important Excitation Functions""; ""IV. Boundary-Layer Excitation Model""; ""V. Summary""; ""Chapter 5 Response of Linear Systems to Stationary Random Excitations""; ""I. Response of a Linear SDOF System""""II. Response of a Linear MDOF System""""III. Response of a Linear Structure to Stationary Random Excitations""; ""IV. Summary""; ""Chapter 6 Nonlinear Single-Degree-of-Freedom and Multiple-Degree-of-Freedom Systems""; ""I. Introduction""; ""II. Nonlinear Behavior of an SDOF Oscillator""; ""III. Nonlinear Coefficients of a Structure""; ""IV. Summary""; ""Chapter 7 Statistical Linearization Method""; ""I. Statistical Linearization Method for an MDOF System""; ""II. Nonlinear Response of an SDOF System to Random Gaussian Force""""III. Nonlinear Random Response of Two-DOF System to Random Gaussian Force""""IV. Nonlinear Random Response of an Elastic System""; ""V. Computational Procedure""; ""VI. Calculation of Stress Response""; ""VII. Summary""; ""Chapter 8 Nondeterministic Structures: Basic Concepts""; ""I. Introduction""; ""II. Failure Surface: Basic Case""; ""III. Reliability Index""; ""IV. Summary""; ""Chapter 9 Calculation of the Probability of Failure""; ""I. Introduction""; ""II. Lagrange Multiplier Method""; ""III. Demonstration of the Iterative Process""""IV. Numerical Programs for Probabilistic Structural Analysis""""V. Summary""; ""Chapter 10 Taylor Series Expansion of the Failure Surface""; ""I. Introduction""; ""II. Taylor Series Expansion""; ""III. Selection of the Evaluation Point""; ""IV. Detailed Examples of the Taylor Series Expansion Method""; ""V. Summary""; ""Chapter 11 Direct Calculation of the Probability of Failure Using an Existing Finite Element Program""; ""I. Introduction""; ""II. MJPDF Method""; ""III. Numerical Examples""; ""IV. Summary""; ""Chapter 12 Probability of Failure of Dynamic Systems""; ""I. Introduction""""II. Statistical Behavior of a Stationary Gaussian Process""Progress in astronautics and aeronautics ;v. 178.Random vibrationStochastic processesStructural dynamicsStructural analysis (Engineering)Random vibration.Stochastic processes.Structural dynamics.Structural analysis (Engineering)629.1 s519.2Maymon Giora883020MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910781434403321Some engineering applications in random vibrations and random structures3672347UNINA