02667oam 2200493zu 450 991022225350332120210803234444.00-8047-5819-0(CKB)3390000000018431(SSID)ssj0001229152(PQKBManifestationID)12522813(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001229152(PQKBWorkID)11196749(PQKB)10349322(EXLCZ)99339000000001843120160829d2008 uy engtxtccrOut of control : assessing the general theory of crime[Place of publication not identified]Stanford Social Sciences2008Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: MonographOut of control? : an introduction to the general theory of crime / Erich Goode -- Measuring self-control / Alex Piquero -- Age, sex, and racial distributions of crime / David F. Greenberg -- The undeveloped concept of opportunity / Sally S. Simpson and Gilbert Geis -- Parenting and self-control / Francis T. Cullen, James D. Unnever, John Paul Wright, and Kevin M. Beaver II -- Self-control and social learning theory / Ronald L. Akers -- Self-control, anomie, and social institutions / Richard Rosenfeld and Steven F. Messner -- On the compatibility of social disorganization and self-control / Ross L. Matsueda -- A feminist consideration of gender and crime / LeeAnn Iovanni and Susan L. Miller -- Low self-control and high organizational control : the paradoxes of white-collar crime / David O. Friedrichs and Martin D. Schwartz -- Violent crime / Richard B. Felson and D. Wayne Osgood -- Property crimes / Marc L. Swatt and Robert F. Meier -- Drug use and criminal behavior / Erich Goode -- Self-control : a hypercritical assessment / Gilbert Geis -- Critiquing the critics : the authors respond / Travis Hirschi and Michael R. Gottfredson.Out of ControlCriminologyMethodologyCriminal behaviorSelf-controlSocial Welfare & Social WorkHILCCSocial SciencesHILCCCriminology, Penology & Juvenile DelinquencyHILCCCriminologyMethodologyCriminal behaviorSelf-controlSocial Welfare & Social WorkSocial SciencesCriminology, Penology & Juvenile Delinquency364.01Goode ErichPQKBBOOK9910222253503321Out of control : assessing the general theory of crime2214434UNINA