01134nem0 2200337 450 991022125960332120171024092712.020170704d1989----km y0itay50 bagerDEb aaa aabb ae0650000e0980000n0350000n0070000ae0700000e1400000n0550000n0200000Indien - China, ein VergleichDocumento cartograficoredakteur Ulrich GunzertScala non determinabile (E65°-E98°/N35°-N7°)Scala non determinabile (E70°-E140°/N55°-N20°)MünchenJro-Verl.19896 c.color.su foglio 118, 5 x 87 cm ripieg. 30 x 22 cm1 fasc. (16 p.)<<Die >>Aktuelle JRO Landkarte450Contiene grafici e legendeCinaCarteIndiaCarteGunzert,UlrichITUNINARICAUNIMARCMP9910221259603321FF Per. 403(450)Ist. s.i.ILFGEILFGEIndien - China, ein Vergleich1495059UNINA05054 am 2200913 n 450 991027504270332120231128164136.02-490296-08-6(CKB)4100000003845152(FrMaCLE)OB-irhis-1928(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/40754(PPN)228250390(EXLCZ)99410000000384515220180502j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAmericanisation in 20th Century Europe: business, culture, politics. Volume 2 /Nick Tiratsoo, Mathias KippingLille Publications de l’Institut de recherches historiques du Septentrion20181 online resource (410 p.)2-905637-44-7 This volume makes an important contribution to debates about American interactions with Europe in the Twentieth Century. It interrogates current understandings of ‘Americanisation’ and aims to produce new and fruitful departures for future research and discussion. The approach adopted uses the broadest possible view of American influence, encompassing the whole of the micro-economic sphere, and including not only companies, but also consumers and business cultures in general. Taken together, the individual chapters confirm the importance of the US as a reference point for European businesses and consumers. At the same time, they cast fresh light on the complexity of the ‘Americanisation’ process, which was always more than a simple one-sided transfer or ‘export’ of ideas, and also point to the multiplicity of outcomes, ranging from outright rejection to the more usual selective acceptance. Above all, they reinforce the view that ‘Americanisation’ was a social phenomenon, involving real people in specific contexts, whether at company, industry or societal level, and motives that ranged all the way from the idealistic to the venal. Ce volume apporte une contribution importante au débat sur les interactions entre l‘Amérique et l’Europe au xxe siècle. Il pose des interrogations sur le sens courant de “Américanisation” et voudrait offrir de nouveaux et fructueux points de départ pour de futures recherches et discussions. L‘approche choisie utilise la vision la plus large possible de l‘influence américaine, englobant l‘ensemble de la sphère micro-économique et abordant non seulement les entreprises, mais aussi la culture des consommateurs et des entreprises en général. Pris comme un ensemble, les différents chapitres de cet ouvrage confirment l‘importance des États-Unis comme point de référence pour les entrepreneurs et les consommateurs européens. Simultanément, ils apportent un éclairage nouveau sur la complexité du processus d’Américanisation qui fut toujours plus…Americanisation in 20th Century EuropeHistorySociologyaméricanisationEuropevie intellectuelleaméricanisationEuropevie intellectuelleHistorySociologyaméricanisationEuropevie intellectuelleAmdam Rolv Petter1191599Barjot Dominique438302Berland Nicolas1318176Bertrams Kenneth769690Booth Alan127389Boyns Trevor1104030Braun Hans-Joachim508973Byrkjeflot Haldor1318177Coopey Richard239249Daumas Jean-Claude1237440Garcia-Ruiz José L1318178Gourvish Terry497676Heinonen Visa1318179Hilton Matthew1123243King Linda1318180Kipping Matthias903295Knox Bill1318181Lanthier Pierre140344Lescent-Giles Isabelle140376Mckinlay Alan1318182Miskell Peter1318183Obelkevich James250089Pantzar Mika523441Porter Dilwyn1318184Puig Nùria1318185Ranieri Ruggero123855Saul Samir141349Schröter Harm G145801Sedgwick John1126881Segreto Luciano134350Sluyterman Keetie E1318186Sogner Knut1318187Tiratsoo Nick538219Zimnovitch Henri1318188Tiratsoo Nick538219Kipping Mathias1318189FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910275042703321Americanisation in 20th Century Europe: business, culture, politics. Volume 23033171UNINA