05204nam 2200685 a 450 991022015770332120230725051408.01-283-59733-097866139097870-8330-5317-5(CKB)2550000000049463(EBL)777017(OCoLC)755415866(SSID)ssj0000801684(PQKBManifestationID)11430537(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000801684(PQKBWorkID)10794420(PQKB)11256478(Au-PeEL)EBL777017(CaPaEBR)ebr10500657(MiAaPQ)EBC777017(EXLCZ)99255000000004946320111014d2011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrInsights from selected case studies[electronic resource] /Angel Rabasa ... [et al.]Santa Monica, Calif. RAND Corporation20111 online resource (321 p.)From insurgency to stability ;v. 2Description based upon print version of record.0-8330-5314-0 Includes bibliographical references.Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Preface; Contents; Figures and Maps; Tables; Summary; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Chapter One: Introduction; Background; The Transition from Counterinsurgency to Stability; The Case Studies; Chapter Two: The Philippines; Introduction: Background of the Communist Conflict in the Philippines; Counterinsurgency Under Marcos; The Post-Marcos Period; Strategy; CPP/NPA; The Philippine State; Self-Defense Militias; AFP COIN Progress; Transition?; Conclusion: Lessons for the United States; Chapter Three: Counterinsurgency Transition Case Study: ColombiaNature and Scope of the ConflictInternational and Transnational Actors; Strategy (Pre-Transition); Colombian Government Strategy; Insurgent Strategy; External Powers Supporting Belligerents; Key Strengths and Weaknesses of the Strategies; How the Parties Define "Victory"; The Transition Period; Managing the Transition; Institutional Framework: Theory and Practice; Stages of Transition; Implementation: What Is the Actual Experience of the ColombianTransition?; Gaps; Conclusions; Assessment of Colombian Transition Plan; Prospects for the FutureWhat Capabilities Does the United States Need to Have or Need toDevelop?Chapter Four: Counterinsurgency Transition Case Study: El Salvador; Introduction; Strategy (Pre-Transition); The Transition Period; Domestic Factors; The United States' Role; The Role of the International Community; Managing the Transition; Ceasefire and Demobilization; Public Security and Security-Sector Reform; ESAF Reform; Police Reform; Human Rights, Truth and Reconciliation; Addressing the Factors Contributing to the Insurgency; Conclusions; A Successful Transition?; Lessons LearnedChapter Five: The Tuareg Insurgency in Mali, 2006-2009Introduction; Background: Mali's North-South Divide; A History of Contestation; Phase 1: The ADC Rebellion, May-July 2006; Introduction: Brief History of the Conflict Leading Up to thePeriod of Transition; Strategy (Pre-Transition); The Transition Period; Managing the Transition; Phase 2: The ATNM Rebellion (May 2007-February 2009); Introduction: Brief History of the Conflict Leading Up to thePeriod of Transition; Strategy (Pre-Transition); The Transition Period; Managing the Transition; ConclusionsChapter Six: The Transition in Al-Anbar, IraqIntroduction; A Brief History of the Conflict in Al-Anbar Province; Pre-Transition Strategy, 2005-2006; Insurgent Strategies in the Pre-Transition Period; External Powers Supporting the Anbar Insurgents; Counterinsurgency and Transition, 2006-2008; The Transition in Anbar: Contributing Factors; False Starts and Missed Opportunities on the Road to Transition; External Actors' Understanding of the Changing ConflictDynamics; Setting the Stage for and Managing the Transition; Transition Process Components; Signs the Coalition Forces Were "Winning"The Transition Outcome in Al-AnbarThis book examines six case studies of insurgencies from around the world to determine the key factors necessary for a successful transition from counterinsurgency to a more stable situation. The authors review the causes of each insurgency and the key players involved, and examine what the government did right--or wrong--to bring the insurgency to an end and to transition to greater stability.CounterinsurgencyCounterinsurgencyCase studiesPeace-buildingCase studiesUnited StatesArmed ForcesStability operationsCase studiesCounterinsurgency.CounterinsurgencyPeace-building327.73355.4355.425Rabasa Angel674557MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910220157703321Insights from selected case studies2199362UNINA