03623nam 22006374a 450 991022013540332120230617012956.01-283-59732-297866139097700-8330-3594-0(CKB)1000000000003718(EBL)197463(OCoLC)56727371(SSID)ssj0000172449(PQKBManifestationID)11152201(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000172449(PQKBWorkID)10151842(PQKB)11161737(Au-PeEL)EBL197463(CaPaEBR)ebr10056182(MiAaPQ)EBC197463(EXLCZ)99100000000000371820031210d2004 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrHitting America's soft underbelly[electronic resource] the potential threat of deliberate biological attacks against the U.S. agricultural and food industry /Peter ChalkSanta Monica, CA Rand Corporation20041 online resource (67 p.)"Prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense.""MG-135-OSD"--P. [4] of cover.0-8330-3522-3 Includes bibliographical references.Cover; Preface; Contents; Tables; Summary; Acknowledgments; Acronyms; CHAPTER ONE Introduction; Research Methods; The Importance of the Agricultural Sector to the U.S. Economy; Organization of This Report; CHAPTER TWO Vulnerability of U.S. Agriculture to Bio-Attacks; Concentrated and Intensive Contemporary Farming Practices; Increased Susceptibility of Livestock to Disease; Insufficient Farm/Food-Related Security and Surveillance; Inefficient Passive Disease-Reporting System; A Focus on Aggregate Rather Than Individual Livestock StatisticsCapability Requirements for Carrying Out an Agroterrorist Attack CHAPTER THREE Potential Impact of a Major Act of Agroterrorism; Economic Disruption; Loss of Political Support and Confidence in the Government; Social Instability; Agroterrorism to Generate Financial Capital and as a Form of Blackmail; Biological Assaults Against Agriculture and Terrorists' Modus Operandi; CHAPTER FOUR Policy Recommendations; BibliographyOver the past decade, the United States has endeavored to increase its ability to detect, prevent, and respond to terrorist threats and incidents. The agriculture sector and the food industry in general, however, have received comparatively little attention with respect to protection against terrorist incidents. This study aims to expand the current debate on domestic homeland security by assessing the vulnerabilities of the agricultural sector and the food chain to a deliberate act of biological terrorism and exploring the likely outcomes of a successful attack.AgricultureDefense measuresUnited StatesCivil defenseUnited StatesFood industry and tradeDefense measuresUnited StatesBioterrorismUnited StatesPreventionAgricultureDefense measuresCivil defenseFood industry and tradeDefense measuresBioterrorismPrevention.363.32Chalk Peter674558United States.Department of Defense.Office of the Secretary of Defense.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910220135403321Hitting America's soft underbelly2025956UNINA