04408nam 2200685Ia 450 991022012900332120230802010319.00-8330-7663-90-8330-7665-5(CKB)2550000001039448(EBL)1365156(SSID)ssj0000860378(PQKBManifestationID)11464841(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000860378(PQKBWorkID)10895523(PQKB)11228123(PQKBManifestationID)16033814(PQKB)23159431(Au-PeEL)EBL1365156(CaPaEBR)ebr10678761(OCoLC)804491780(MiAaPQ)EBC1365156(EXLCZ)99255000000103944820120803d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrIndia's and Pakistan's strategies in Afghanistan[electronic resource] implications for the United States and the region /Larry Hanauer, Peter ChalkSanta Monica, Calif. RAND20121 online resource (89 p.)Occasional paper ;OP-387-CAPPDescription based upon print version of record.0-8330-7662-0 Includes bibliographical references (p. 59-72).Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Preface; Contents; Figures; Summary; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; CHAPTER ONE: Introduction; U.S. Policy in South Asia; Weighing Pakistan's Likely Responses; Report Structure; CHAPTER TWO: India; India's Objectives in Afghanistan; Prevent Anti-India Terrorism; Undermine Pakistani and Taliban Influence in Afghanistan; Increase Access to Central Asia; Project Power and Demonstrate Global Interests; India's Strategies in Afghanistan; Seek Political Influence in Afghanistan; Provide Development Aid and Seek Economic InfluenceRegionalize Solutions to Afghan Security and Stability ProblemsProject Power; Provide Military Assistance; Effectiveness of India's Strategies; CHAPTER THREE: Pakistan; Pakistan's Objectives in Afghanistan; Block Indian Influence; Prevent Encirclement and Maintain Strategic Depth; Establish Safe Havens for Pakistani-Trained Extremists; Undermine Afghan Claims on Pashtunistan; Build Economic Links to the Central Asian Republics; Curb Other States' Influence in Afghanistan; Pakistan's Strategies in Afghanistan; Train Extremists to Counter India in AfghanistanMake Pakistan Essential to Afghan Reconciliation TalksOffer Pakistani Development Aid and Trade to Afghanistan; Oppose Afghanistan's Regional Integration; Secure Central Asian Trade and Energy Resources; Pressure Washington to Protect Pakistani Interests; Effectiveness of Pakistan's Strategies; CHAPTER FOUR: Afghanistan; Afghanistan's Strategic Objectives; Afghanistan's Strategies vis-à-vis India and Pakistan; CHAPTER FIVE: Implications for the United States; Implications for U.S. Policy Toward Afghanistan; Implications for U.S. Policy Toward IndiaImplications for U.S. Policy Toward PakistanImplications for Other U.S. Interests; Summary; CHAPTER SIX: Implications for India; CHAPTER SEVEN: Conclusion; ReferencesIndia and Pakistan have very different visions for Afghanistan, and they seek to advance highly disparate interests through their respective engagements in the country. This paper reviews the countries' interests in Afghanistan, how they have tried to further their interests, how Afghanistan navigates their rivalry, and the rivalry's implications for U.S. and Indian policy.Occasional paper (Rand Corporation) ;OP-387.International relationsAfghanistanForeign relationsIndiaIndiaForeign relationsAfghanistanAfghanistanForeign relationsPakistanPakistanForeign relationsAfghanistanUnited StatesForeign relationsAfghanistanUnited StatesForeign relationsSouth AsiaInternational relations.327.540581Hanauer Larry942256Chalk Peter674558MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910220129003321India's and Pakistan's strategies in Afghanistan2180675UNINA