03595oam 2200397z- 450 991022011460332120231211143500.00-8330-9135-2(CKB)3710000000443408(EXLCZ)99371000000044340820190513c2015uuuu ua 0engAn integrated survey system for addressing abuse and misconduct toward Air Force trainees during basic military training /Kirsten M. Keller [et al.]RAND Corporation1 online resource (xviii, 180 pages) color illustrations0-8330-8893-9 Introduction -- The BMT trainee survey -- The MTI survey -- Survey participation and administration -- Reporting results and taking action -- Conclusion and additional recommendations for BMT -- Appendix A. Methodological details on the development of the survey content -- Appendix B. BMT trainee survey: abuse and misconduct -- Appendix C. MTI survey: quality of life and training abuse and misconduct -- Appendix D. Sample page from reporting template for trainee survey -- Appendix E. Proposed core content for an MTI survey recruitment letter -- Appendix F. Developing an integrated feedback system for addressing abuse and misconduct."In response to several high-profile incidents of sexual misconduct by military training instructors (MTIs) during Basic Military Training (BMT), in 2012 the U.S. Air Force's Air Education and Training Command (AETC) asked RAND Project AIR FORCE to develop an integrated survey system to help address abuse and misconduct toward trainees in the BMT environment. Based on an extensive review of relevant materials--including internal AETC investigations of these incidents, Air Force and Department of Defense policies, and the scientific literature--RAND developed two complementary surveys, one for trainees and one for MTIs. The trainee survey assesses trainee experiences and related reporting behaviors for the following abuse and misconduct categories: trainee bullying, maltreatment and maltraining, unprofessional relationships, sexual harassment, and unwanted sexual experiences. The survey also measures individual perceptions of the squadron climate and BMT feedback and support systems. The MTI survey assesses the extent to which MTIs were aware of trainees experiencing abuse, as well as their perceptions of the related squadron climate and MTI reporting behaviors. The MTI survey also includes a section on MTI quality of life, including job attitudes, the work environment, and job stressors. The report concludes with recommendations about survey administration, reporting the results, and additional areas for improvement to better track and monitor actual instances of and the potential for abuse and misconduct"--Cover page 4.Sexual harassment in the militaryUnited StatesSocial surveysUnited StatesSexual harassment in the militarySocial surveysKeller Kirsten M.1242666Miller Laura L.1967-Robson SeanFarris CoreenStucky BrianOshiro Marian1952-Meadows Sarah O(Sarah Opal),1978-Project Air Force (U.S.),United States.Air Force,Rand Corporation,BOOK9910220114603321An integrated survey system for addressing abuse and misconduct toward Air Force trainees during basic military training2895731UNINA