03258oam 2200505zu 450 991022009310332120221111181013.00-8330-8348-1(CKB)3360000000476952(SSID)ssj0001048565(PQKBManifestationID)12440336(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001048565(PQKBWorkID)11014464(PQKB)10936173(EXLCZ)99336000000047695220160829d2012 uy engtxtccrRapid acquisition and fielding for information assurance and cyber security in the Navy[Place of publication not identified]RAND National Defense Research Institute2012Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-8330-7855-0 Summary -- Approach -- Key findings and recommendations from the analysis xiii -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- Mitigating the cyber threat through rapid acquisition -- Study approach -- Organization of this report -- Testing (certification and accreditation) challenges, best practices -- And recommendations -- Testing in the new IT acquisition strategy -- Navy modernization process challenges, best practices, and -- Recommendations -- Challenges -- Recommendations -- Budgeting, funding, and contracts challenges, best practices, and -- Recommendations -- Challenges -- Recommendations -- Governance, integration and training, and emergent needs challenges -- Best practices, and recommendations -- Challenges -- Recommendations -- Summary and conclusions -- Future work -- Appendix A: Survey of RAPID acquisition processes -- Appendix B: Navy RAPID acquisition options -- Appendix C: Case studies of successful RAPID/IT acquisition -- Navy case study: A-RCI -- Army case study: DRRS-A -- Marine Corps case study: Commercial hunter -- Appendix D: JCIDS and incremental acquisition background information -- Exceptions to JCIDS -- Description of "IT box" -- Appendix E: review of cyber and IT acquisition literature -- Legislation -- National research council report -- Defense Science Board report -- Other reports -- Appendix f: Air Force cyber acquisition -- Appendix G: Worms -- Worm attacks are an increasing problem -- Worm attacks require fast and frequent responses.Computer networksSecurity measuresPlanningUnited StatesComputer networksAccess controlUnited StatesComputer securityUnited StatesMilitary & Naval ScienceHILCCLaw, Politics & GovernmentHILCCNaval Science - GeneralHILCCComputer networksSecurity measuresPlanningComputer networksAccess controlComputer securityMilitary & Naval ScienceLaw, Politics & GovernmentNaval Science - General359.6/212Porche Isaac1968-942259Rand CorporationPQKBBOOK9910220093103321Rapid acquisition and fielding for information assurance and cyber security in the Navy2962068UNINA