04024nam 2201213z- 450 991061947020332120231214133021.03-0365-5416-5(CKB)5670000000391572(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/93264(EXLCZ)99567000000039157220202210d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBirth and Death: Studying Ritual, Embodied Practices and Spirituality at the Start and End of LifeMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (158 p.)3-0365-5415-7 Birth and death are both profound life transitions, revealing deeply existential, social, and spiritual questions in addition to various forms of ritual and ritualizing. While birth and death are often seen as opposites, this edited volume shows that the start and end of life share many ambiguities. They represent a beginning and an end, and lead to ritualizing as well as embodied forms of spirituality. Throughout the book, the authors discuss theoretical and empirical perspectives on rituals at birth and death from multidisciplinary perspectives, such as religious studies, anthropology, philosophy, and sociology. By doing so, they shed light on new forms of ritualizing, as well as on traditional rituals.Birth and DeathReligion & beliefsbicsscpriestArs moriendisharing deathdeath teacherAfrican birth ritualancestor worshipartbirthbirth altarbirthing justiceceremonychildchildbirthChinese birth ritualcontemporary arthumanismindigenous birth ritualmaterial culturemothernonreligionnonreligiouspregnancyreligionre-sacralizationrite of passageritualsacredsecularsecularityspiritualitysymboltraditional birthgriefbereavementdeathpregnancy lossembodimentmetaphorritualscultural practicesAfricamemory makingfunction of ritualized actsritualizationneonatal intensive care unit (NICU)new-bornbereaved parentsnursesparent support groupexistentialinfrastructural breakssociology of repairlife-cycle ritualsfuneral marketmaternity caretattoobody-modificationidentityself-constructionDimasadeath ritualsurbanritual performancepersonhoodmotherhoodmiscarriagestillbirthabortionritualizingqualitative researchThe NetherlandsReligion & beliefsWojtkowiak Joannaedt1315242Mathijssen BrendaedtWojtkowiak JoannaothMathijssen BrendaothBOOK9910619470203321Birth and Death: Studying Ritual, Embodied Practices and Spirituality at the Start and End of Life3032290UNINA02038nam 2200385z- 450 991022003970332120231214133335.0(CKB)3800000000216380(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/50632(EXLCZ)99380000000021638020202102d2017 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierInvestigating Human Nature and Communication through RobotsFrontiers Media SA20171 electronic resource (111 p.)Frontiers Research Topics2-88945-086-4 The development of information technology enabled us to exchange more items of information among us no matter how far we are apart from each other. It also changed our way of communication. Various types of robots recently promoted to be sold to general public hint that these robots may further influence our daily life as they physically interact with us and handle objects in environment. We may even recognize a feel of presence similar to that of human beings when we talk to a robot or when a robot takes part in our conversation. The impact will be strong enough for us to think about the meaning of communication. This e-book consists of various studies that examine our communication influenced by robots. Topics include our attitudes toward robot behaviors, designing robots for better communicating with people, and how people can be affected by communicating through robots.robothuman natureteleoperationenhancementembodimentCommunicationNakanishi Hideyukiauth1367808Fujinami TsutomuauthNishio Shù„ichiauthBOOK9910220039703321Investigating Human Nature and Communication through Robots3391771UNINA