04615oam 2200553zu 450 991021998080332120220902154339.00-8330-8519-0(CKB)2560000000315331(SSID)ssj0001436544(PQKBManifestationID)12613241(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001436544(PQKBWorkID)11443339(PQKB)10736890(EXLCZ)99256000000031533120160829d2014 uh 0engtxtccrThe association between base-area social and economic characteristics and airmen's outcomes /Sarah O. Meadows [et al.]Santa Monica, CA :Rand Corporation ;20141 online resource (xxvi, 168 pages) illustrations (some color)Research report The association between base-area social and economic characteristics and airmen's outcomesBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-8330-7859-3 Associations Between Neighborhood Social and Economic Characteristics and Resident Health and Well-Being -- Data and Methodology -- The RAND Base Area Social and Economic Index -- Linking the RAND Base Area Social and Economic Index to Airman Outcomes: The 2011 Community Assessment Survey -- Linking the RAND Base Area Social and Economic Index to Airman Outcomes: The 2010 Caring for People Survey -- Summary, Conclusion, and Policy Recommendations -- Appendix A: Distribution of Airmen, by ZIP Code -- Appendix B: Alternative RAND Base Area Social and Economic Index Specifications -- Appendix C: Domain Scores -- Appendix D: Detailed Results for Chapter Four, the Community Assessment Survey -- Appendix E: Detailed Results for Chapter Five, the Caring for People Survey.To help Air Force Services tailor support for Airmen and their families through analyses of the relevance of neighborhood, or area, characteristics of major Air Force installations located within the United States, researchers applied established social indicators and neighborhood methodology to identify which areas may have greater need for Air Force resources. This document reports the results of that analysis. It examines whether and how base-area characteristics are associated with individual-level Airman outcomes across several different domains. The objective is to help the Air Force identify communities where Airmen and their families may have greater levels of need so that it can adapt programs or resources to counteract stressors related to the base areas and the lack of nonmilitary resources in the area. Using census and personnel data, the authors created a set of area profiles that make up the RAND Base Area Social and Economic Index, or RAND BASE-I, measuring aspects of household composition, employment, income and poverty, housing, social, and transportation of area residents (both military and civilian). These factors are outside of Air Force control; however, Air Force Services may be able to help offset potential negative impacts of community characteristics on Airmen and their families. Using existing Air Force survey data, the authors then assessed whether these base-area characteristics were associated with Airmen's outcomes related to health and well-being, military and neighborhood cohesion, ratings of neighborhood resources, use of on-base resources, satisfaction, and career intentions. The analysis also tested whether Airmen who live off base and commute to work may be more exposed to social and economic conditions in the larger base area than Airmen who primarily live and work on base.AirmenSocial conditions21st centuryUnited StatesStatisticsAir basesSocial aspectsUnited StatesNeighborhoodsSocial aspectsUnited StatesQuality of lifeUnited StatesSocial indicatorsUnited StatesAirmenSocial conditionsAir basesSocial aspectsNeighborhoodsSocial aspectsQuality of lifeSocial indicators358.4/161Meadows Sarah O(Sarah Opal),1978-871320Miles Jeremy1968-Miller Laura L.1967-Rand CorporationProject Air Force (U.S.)PQKBBOOK9910219980803321The association between base-area social and economic characteristics and airmen's outcomes2884588UNINA