01424nas 2200385 450 991021495400332120240226152031.0(CKB)4210000000001233(NjHacI)994210000000001233(EXLCZ)99421000000000123320240222a19259999 uy engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierMental Welfare /National Association for Mental HealthLondon :National Association for Mental Health,1925.1 online resourceSome Observations on the Mental Changes Occurring in Encephalitis Lethargica -- The British Medical Association and the Prevention of Mental Deficiency -- News and Notes -- Correspondence -- Obituary -- "The Unstable Child": An Interpretation of Psychopathy as a Source of Unbalanced Behaviour in Abnormal and Troublesome Children -- The Mental Deficiency Act, 1913.Mind Ment Health MagMent Health (Lond)MENT WELFSTUD MENT INEFFICMental health servicesMental illnessMental health services.Mental illness.362.2NjHacINjHaclJOURNAL9910214954003321Mental Welfare1949084UNINA