04512 am 2200937 n 450 9910214938303321201612112-87558-104-X(CKB)3710000001633320(FrMaCLE)OB-pucl-2519(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/50707(PPN)203892747(EXLCZ)99371000000163332020170703j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierIslam belge au pluriel /Brigitte Maréchal, Farid El AsriLouvain-la-Neuve Presses universitaires de Louvain20161 online resource (326 p.) 2-87558-103-1 Les populations musulmanes en Belgique n'avaient plus fait l'objet d'une étude globale depuis plus de dix ans. Ce volume aborde la question des identités et appartenances, à partir des positionnements face aux pratiques religieuses dans la sphère publique mais aussi des processus tels que les conversions (vers ou dans l'islam) ou les engagements citoyens. Il s'intéresse en outre aux courants dits réformistes, notamment les Frères musulmans et les mouvements Nurçu et Fetullah Gülen, d'origine turque, mais aussi aux guérisseurs qui officient dans les milieux salafistes. Enfin, ces études examinent les relations qui se créent entre les musulmans et la société globale, notamment à travers la participation politique, la gestion publique du culte ou encore l'intégration spécifique du droit de la famille. Ces multiples champs sont traversés par une variété de dynamiques de fond qui animent et complexifient les manières d'être musulman en Belgique. Il importe d'en saisir les nouveaux enjeux pour en pointer les perspectives futures. C'est précisément ce que permet le cadrage initial de cet ouvrage qui, sans méconnaître la littérature existante, veut en dépasser certaines lacunes et permettre d'aller plus loin dans la compréhension du laboratoire foisonnant, interactif et ouvert qu'incarnent ces présences déjà longues, mais encore peu connues, de l'islam en Belgique. Ce livre s'adresse à un large public, scientifique ou non, intéressé par la compréhension des dynamiques et enjeux sociaux, culturels et religieux de notre société multiculturelle. Il réunit les contributions de Ikram Akodad, Nadia Fadil, Marie-Claire Foblets, Aicha Haddou, Jean-François Husson, Iman Lechkar, Ural Manço, Konrad Pedziwiatr, Christiane Timmerman, Corinne Torrekens, Hanifa Touag, Els Vanderwaeren, Müserref Yardim, Fatima Zibouh.ReligionSociologyislamBelgiquemusulmanssociologiepolitiquesalafistesréformisme religieuxintégrationconversionFrères musulmansislampolitiqueréformisme religieuxsalafistesintégrationFrères musulmansBelgiquemusulmanssociologieconversionReligionSociologyislamBelgiquemusulmanssociologiepolitiquesalafistesréformisme religieuxintégrationconversionFrères musulmansAkodad Ikram1327427Asri Farid El1327428Fadil Nadia1327429Foblets Marie-Claire595796Haddou Aicha1327430Husson Jean-François1327431Lechkar Iman1327432Manço Ural1232533Maréchal Brigitte1132117Pędziwiatr Konrad1327433Timmerman Christiane1327434Torrekens Corinne516293Touag Hanifa1327435Vanderwaeren Els1327436Yardim Müserref1327437Zibouh Fatima1327438Maréchal Brigitte1132117El Asri Farid1327428FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910214938303321Islam belge au pluriel3037955UNINA03822 am 2200637 n 450 9910279592303321201802152-9564470-8-410.4000/books.irasec.632(CKB)4100000004910760(FrMaCLE)OB-irasec-632(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/45649(PPN)230000002(EXLCZ)99410000000491076020180703j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEast-Timor How to Build a New Nation in Southeast Asia in the 21st Century? /Frédéric Durand, Christine Cabasset-SemedoBangkok Institut de recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est contemporaine20181 online resource (304 p.) This book is the direct outcome of a panel on Timor-Leste entitled «How to build a new nation?» and organized in September 2007 in the framework of the EUROSEAS Congress in Naples. Among the more than 40 panels held, Timor-Leste's had been remarkably dense, with 20 presentations given by American, Australian, Brazilian, East-Timorese, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish researchers. At the time of this congress, the major event of 2006, which two years after continued to be called “the crisis”, was still foremost in people's minds, conversations, and researches. While other events or forewarning episodes had taken place before that date, no doubt that the crisis of 2006/2007 had finally prove to be a turning point, for the country itself, and maybe even more so for international actors. Though presented at first as a United Nations' success story, especially when the territory was under UN management from October 1999 (withdrawal of the Indonesian army) until 20 May 2002 (independence of the country), the unity of Timor-Leste was then in peril, deceiving the expectations that had prevailed during the resistance years. Its climax was the conflict between “those from the West” and “those from the East” (“Loromonu-Lorosae” or Firaku-Kaladi), and a violence which caused a wave of internal refugees (around 150,000 IDP- Internally Displaced People). Beyond the causes and effects of this political and military crisis which had then spread to civil society, the “crisis” had also directly or indirectly revealed a certain number of dysfunctions, notably the deficiencies of the UN preparations of independence and of the capacity of East Timorese governing bodies to manage and organize the country.Nation-buildingTimor-LesteNationalismTimor-LesteTimor-LestePolitics and government2002-nation buildingsocietyEast-TimorIndependenceIndonesiaNation-buildingNationalism320.95987Aquino Siapno Jacqueline1322626Cabasset-Semedo Christine1238364Canas Mendes Nuno1322627Castro Seixas Paulo1322628Durand Frédéric458909Gonzalez Devant Sara1322629Graça Feijó Rui1322630Hicks David396352Loch Alexander1322631Sachse Henriette1322632Schenk Christine1322633Silva Kelly1322634Sousa Lúcio1322635Durand Frédéric458909Cabasset-Semedo Christine1238364IRASEC.FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910279592303321East-Timor3035135UNINA05266nam 2200637 a 450 991079034350332120230801223537.01-283-92768-31-118-22478-7(CKB)2670000000209120(EBL)821814(OCoLC)796384125(SSID)ssj0000694787(PQKBManifestationID)12282596(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000694787(PQKBWorkID)10669967(PQKB)11281285(MiAaPQ)EBC821814(Au-PeEL)EBL821814(CaPaEBR)ebr10641869(CaONFJC)MIL424018(EXLCZ)99267000000020912020130111d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdobe Photoshop CS6 digital classroom[electronic resource] /Jennifer Smith and the AGI Creative TeamIndianapolis, Ind. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.20121 online resource (450 p.)CourseSmartIncludes index.1-118-12389-1 Adobe Photoshop CS6 Digital Classroom; About the Authors; Acknowledgments; Credits; Contents; Starting up; About Photoshop Digital Classroom; Prerequisites; Adobe Photoshop CS6 versions; System requirements; Starting Adobe Photoshop CS6; Resetting Adobe Photoshop CS6 preferences; Loading lesson files; Working with the video tutorials; Setting up for viewing the video tutorials; Viewing the video tutorials with the Adobe Flash Player; Additional resources; Lesson 1: Exploring Photoshop CS6; Starting up; Experimenting with new Vector capabilities; Filling a vector shape with a patternAdding a mask to a Vector layerUsing the new brush tips; Saving the new Brush; Adding strokes to vector images; Cloning your new snowflake; Adding Text layers from another document; Updating text styles; Cropping an image; Self study; Review; Lesson 2: Getting to Know the Workspace; Starting up; Opening an existing document in Mini Bridge; Discovering the Tools panel; Selection, Cropping, and Measuring Tools; Retouching and Painting Tools; Drawing and Type Tools; Navigation Tools; Accessing tools and their options; Using panels; Putting the panel system to use; Choosing other panelsExpanding and collapsing your panelsCustomizing your panels; Hidden tools; Navigating the image area; Using the Zoom tool; Using the Hand tool; Tabbed windows; Maximizing productivity with screen modes; Self study; Review; Lesson 3: Taking Advantage of Adobe Bridge; Starting up; What is Adobe Bridge?; Navigating through Bridge; Using folders in Adobe Bridge; Making a Favorite; Creating and locating metadata; Using keywords; Creating a Metadata Template; Opening a file from Adobe Bridge; Searching for files using Adobe Bridge; Searching by name or keyword; Using the Filter panelSaving a CollectionAutomation tools in Adobe Bridge; Batch renaming your files; Additional Photoshop Tools; Automated tools for Photoshop: Web Photo Gallery; Saving or uploading your Web Gallery; Automated tools for Photoshop: PDF contact sheet; Changing the view; Self study; Review; Lesson 4: Photoshop Basics; Starting up; Opening an existing document; Understanding document settings; Viewing an image's size and resolution; Using Copy and Paste; Dragging and dropping to copy an image; Transforming and editing combined images; Changing the size of a placed image; Removing a backgroundUnderstanding the stacking order of layersRefining the edges of copied images; Adding text; Saving files; Understanding file formats; Choosing a file format; Saving a JPEG file; Saving for print; Changing the color settings; Adjusting image size; Saving a Photoshop PDF file; Self study; Review; Lesson 5: Making the Best Selections; Starting up; The importance of a good selection; Using the Marquee tools; Creating a square selection; Creating a selection from a center point; Changing a selection into a layer; Working with the Magic Wand tool; The Lasso toolAdding to and subtracting from selectionsA complete training package on the newest version of Photoshop! The Digital Classroom series combines a full-color book with a full-featured DVD, resulting in a complete training package written by expert instructors. Photoshop is the industry standard for image editing, and this guide gets photographers, commercial designers, web developers, fine artists, and serious hobbyists up to speed on the newest version. It includes 13 self-paced lessons that allow you to progress at your own speed, with complete lesson files and tutorials on the DVD. Topics include Camera RAW, masks and laCourseSmartPhotographyDigital techniquesComputer graphicsPhotographyDigital techniques.Computer graphics.006.686Smith Jennifer382729AGI Creative Team.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910790343503321Adobe Photoshop CS6 digital classroom3695518UNINA