03641 am 2200781 n 450 9910214936103321201702282-86906-483-710.4000/books.pufr.4932(CKB)3710000001633350(FrMaCLE)OB-pufr-4932(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/60075(PPN)202672654(EXLCZ)99371000000163335020170601j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierStories For Children, Histories of Childhood. Volume II Literature /Rosie Findlay, Sébastien SalbayreTours Presses universitaires François-Rabelais20171 online resource (423 p.) 2-86906-234-6 The place of the child and childhood in our culture and his/her legal status is a subject which touches a sensitive nerve and triggers passionate responses just as much at the start of the 21st century as it did two hundred years ago. Curious then to note that the academic study of childhood had long been neglected by social historians while its literature, with a few notable exceptions, had too often been relegated to a minor category when not simply dismissed as "pulp fiction". Over the last two decades or so pioneering research has begun to redress this balance and paved the way towards a reappraisal of the child and childhood as a valid field of study. At the same time, by highlighting the areas which still require exploration, it has underlined the distance we still have to cover in order to achieve a balanced integration of both the child and childhood into the social and cultural "story" of our past. It is hoped that the papers published here will, in their own modest way, contribute to this ongoing process of replacing the child inside a culture which proudly claims to have created the golden age of childhood.Literature (General)littératureenfancechildhoodliteraturelittératureenfanceLiterature (General)littératureenfancechildhoodliteratureAndersson Ulrika1285555Banerjee Swapna M1285556Beckett Sandra L603750Boulaire Cécile1285557Chapleau Sébastien1285558Chassagnol Monique1285559Coats Karen1123319Dinh Rose-May Pham1285560Douglas Virginie1283867Gibert Térèsa1285561Harty Joetta1285562Hillel Margot1158550Hunt Peter164337Jaëck Nathalie1279291Julien Claude375453MGavock Karen1285563Milam Jennifer1285564Naumann Lalita Jagtiani1281680Nieres-Chevrel Isabelle1285565Salbayre Sebastien1285566Serban Adriana732321Swain Shurlee800759Vallone Lynne1285567Vránková Kamila1285568Findlay Rosie1281514Salbayre Sébastien1285566FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910214936103321Stories For Children, Histories of Childhood. Volume II3019620UNINA