04407oam 2200853I 450 991017222610332120210106195119.01-134-58201-31-134-58202-11-280-40137-00-203-13450-810.4324/9780203134504 (CKB)1000000000007853(EBL)168491(OCoLC)437077387(SSID)ssj0000311151(PQKBManifestationID)11205879(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000311151(PQKBWorkID)10315623(PQKB)10143759(SSID)ssj0000256500(PQKBManifestationID)11204633(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000256500(PQKBWorkID)10228419(PQKB)11094899(MiAaPQ)EBC168491(OCoLC)49569869(EXLCZ)99100000000000785320180331d2000 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrTechnology and in/equality questioning the information society /edited by Sally Wyatt. [et al.]London ;New York :Routledge,2000.1 online resource (257 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-415-23023-3 0-415-23022-5 Book Cover; Title; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; List of contributors; Critical perspectives on technologies, in/equalities and the information society FLIS HENWOOD, SALLY WYATT, NOD MILLER AND PETER SENKER; Promises and threats: access and control in media technologies; Access is not the only problem: using and controlling the Internet GRAHAM THOMAS AND SALLY WYATT; Panaceas and promises of democratic participation: reactions to new channels, from the wireless to the World Wide Web ROD ALLEN AND NOD MILLERPublic service broadcasting and new distribution technologies: issues of equality, access and choice in the transactional television environment KATHY WALKERLimited Horizons (inc.): access, democracy and technology in community television in Canada HERBERT F. PIMLOTT; Exclusion, inclusion and segregation: new technology and skill in education; A tale of two cultures? Gender and inequality in computer education FLIS HENWOOD, SARAH PLUMERIDGE AND LINDA STEPULEVAGETending to the tamagotchi: rhetoric and reality in the use of new technologies for distance learning NOD MILLER, HELEN KENNEDY AND LINDA LEUNGTechnology, inequality and economic development; Social inequality, technology and economic growth CHRIS FREEMAN; Inequality, work and technology in the services sector GAVIN POYNTER AND ALVARO DE MIRANDA; A dynamic perspective on technology, economic inequality and development PETER SENKER; Bibliography; IndexTechnology and In/equality explores the diverse implications of the new information and communication technologies through case studies of their applications in three main areas - media, education and training, and work. Questions of access to and control over crucial resources such as information, knowledge, skills and income ae addressed drawing upon insights from science and technology studies, innovation theory, sociology and cultural studies. All of the chapters question the meanings of the terms 'technology' and 'inequality' and of the widespread association of technology with EqualityEqualityInformation societyInformation societyInformation technologyInformation technologySocial ChangeHILCCSociology & Social HistoryHILCCSocial SciencesHILCCElectronic books.Equality.Equality.Information society.Information society.Information technology.Information technology.Social ChangeSociology & Social HistorySocial Sciences301303.48/33303.4833Wyatt Sally125602AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELBOOK9910172226103321Technology and in1911524UNINA